Chapter 13

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Penelope's P.O.V

I hear the door open and Del walks in. "Hey Del" I call over my shoulder not wanting to take my attention off my computer screen.

I expect a rude comment like 'shut up geek.' Or 'leave me alone' or 'uck don't talk to me' but instead I get "OMG OMG OMG I LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH!" she says running towards me with her arms outstretched.

I scream and set my laptop on the couch to my right and try desperately to find an escape route.

She gets even closer to me and I slap her hands away and she

yelps drawing them into her stomach. I step on the cushion of the chair I was just sitting on and leap over the back onto the floor.

I run a few steps forward trying to regain my balance when I see Del coming around the chair out of the corner of my eye.

"Don't touch me! Your scaring me Del!" I shout over my shoulder as I stumble down the stairs. "Oh don't fight the love! You need to learn to love love!"

"No I don't i'll never need love!" I shout as I slam the bathroom door shut and lock it.

"Open the door! I have a very big secret to tell you!" She shouts pounding on the door and shaking the handle. "No! And I don't care!" I shout at the door.

"But it's about your love life!" The pounding stops. "Oh please I have no love life! Everyone at school hates me except Shira! And I do NOT need a love life with her!" I shudder.

"But you can! I mean, not with Shira, but with Harris!" I stare in silence shocked at what she just said.

"Did you look through my book?" I say walking towards the door. "No." There's silence. I know what she's about to do. I hear her running up the steps. "DEL NO! GET BACK HERE!"

"NO!" she shouts. I rip open the door and speed up the stairs. She's already in my room and closing the door. I break open the door and she's on the page that Harris' name is written all over.

She stares with her mouth open at the book. "Oh. my. god." She says turning the book towards me. I face-palm. "Del, just give me the book and we can all-" "no" she interrupts. "You are going to date Harris." "What?!" I say pulling my hand away from my face.

"Harris likes you Pen!" she says a smile spreading across her face. "No, that's impossible he hates me" I say.

"Nohuho!" She says almost like she's laughing. "Walt just told me that Harris told him today!" my jaw drops. "No, your kidding." "I most certainly am not!" she says standing up and dropping my book.

"Then prove it." I say folding my arms. "Fine." She says folding her arms. "Tomorrow, Harris is going to ask you out." She says smirking. "And I'll be standing right behind him saying 'i told ya so' and you better make durn sure you say yes or I'll rip your throat out, got it?" She says ripping an invisible persons throat out then pointing to me. "Yes ma'am" I say saluting her and standing up straight. She rolls her eyes and walks out. I smile. Yeah right.


So, what'd ya think? is Harris really going to? comment what ya think!

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