Chapter 19

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I wake up in bed to the telephone ringing. I sit up and scratch my ear to make sure I really heard it. It rings again and I don't hear a movement in the house. I sigh and stand up to answer the phone. I rush to it and pick it up. "Hello?" I answer sleepily. "Oh thank heavens, Delilah you need to come to the hospital right now!" Someone sobs into the phone. "What? Who is this? This is Penelope." I answer confused.

There's a moment of silence. They clear their throat. "Can you put Delilah on the phone please." Their voice cracks as the finish. It's Walt. "Uh, sure." I say heading to her room. I'm kind of freaked out. I open the door to her room and half her body dangles off her bed and her hair covers her face. "Delilah." I whisper. "Delilah." I repeat a little louder. I sigh. "DELILAH!" I yell. She jerks up and almost falls out of bed.

"Phone for you." I smirk. She scowls. "What?" She snaps. I hear a desperate voice coming through the phone. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry baby." She comforts. There's more talking through the phone. "Should she see him like that?" She says trying to be quiet. "Okay." "Okay." Okay, on my way, bye." She ends the call. I stare expectantly.

The look on her face tells me something is really wrong. "Go get changed." She demands. "What? why? what's go-" She cuts me off. "Just go! Hurry! I will explain in the car." She commands pushing me out of her room. "But-" I persist as she slams the door. I run to my room and throw on the first things I grab. I run out my door as Delilah does. She looks terrible. She's not wearing any make up like she usually does. I guess she doesn't look bad, it's just.....different.

"Where are we going?" I demand once we're in the car. "Hospital." She blurts. "Why?" I ask concerened. "Harris could be dying." She says nonchalantly. I wait in shock. Did she really just say Harris, is dying, like that?!?! "What the heck is wrong with you?!!" I yell as she turns a corner. "What?" She asks stupidly. "My boyfriend could be dying and you didn't tell me yet?!" I yell. I can't believe she would do this!

"I didn't want you to freak out like you are now!" She whines. "Wouldn't it be better for me to freak out at home rather than when your DRIVING?!" I yell. "I'm sorry!" She yells back. "Why aren't you going faster? Hurry!" I demand. "I'm going as fast as-" She's interrupted. A loud horn blares and is followed by a loud crash. The car tumbles to the side and is flipped repeatedly.

I feel the car bounce and I fly up and hit my head on the side door. Then, everything goes black.


My eyes slowly flutter open and I examine the room around me. What the heck happened? Where am I? I have many questions to ask. The door opens and somebody walks in. "Oh, thank heavens, she's awake everybody! C'mon in!" She calls over her shoulder.

I don't recognize any of these people. "Hey Penelope, how are you doing?" A strange girl with black hair asks. "Who's Penelope? And who are you?" I question. "It's me, Shira, your best friend, surely you remember me!" She exclaims. I shake my head. "No idea."

She looks a little shocked and upset. "Something is really wrong." She sounds worried. She stands up and walks out of the room. I scan the other people in the room. There are two older people, and one younger person. Two girls, and one guy.

We sit in silence for a little bit. "Do you remember me?" The younger girl says. I shake my head after thinking a moment. "I'm your sister! Delilah! C'mon, you have to remember me!" I think harder but don't find any information. I don't remember anything. Her face and arms look bruised and she has a few scars.

The door swings open quickly and a lady in scrubs walks in. The girl with the black hair, or Shira, follows her. "Alright, will all of Penelope Ryans' family please exit?" The lady in scrubs requests. Everyone else hesitantly exits the room. "Alright, I'm just going to explain what has happened." She assures me, messing with the liquids going into my arm.

"Your boyfriend Harris Wilder, got into a car accident and you and your sister were driving to the hospital. On your way you collided with another car and you were knocked out. Your sister only suffered minor injuries, however, you suffered fatal injuries. You have been in a coma for 3 days and you forgot a lot. You will be staying in the hospital for 5 days and will be relearning what you forgot." She explains and leaves the room swiftly.

I sit alone in the room baffled. I really hope what she said is true, not that I hope that something bad really happened to my boyfriend, but the fact that I have a boyfriend and that she's not making me into someone I'm not.

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