Chapter 18

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we pull up to the building and see the sign...


The sign reads: zero gravity! Yes! I love zero gravity! Even thought there is a lot of younger kids there that sometimes get in the way. >:/ We walk inside and there is nobody in line. Thats weird, its a Saturday. Hm. We walk up to the guy sitting there typing fiercly on his phone. "Two please" Harris tells the guy. The guy ignores us and continues on his phone.

"Excuse me." I say kindly. The guy keeps his attention on his phone. I look at Harris and roll my eyes. I lean over the counter and snatch his phone away. "Hey!" The guy says reaching for his phone. I pull the phone away before he can grab it. "You can have it back when you give us our tickets." I say.

The guy growls at me and prints out our tickets. He slams them down on the counter. "Thank you." I say handing him his phone back. He snatches it and immediately tries to unlock it. "Hey!" he says. "Oh yeah." I remember. "You can get your new password when we are done." I say smirking. I wave and walk with Harris to get our socks. The guy stand in shock as we walk away.

"Wow." Harris says surprised. "What?" I ask. "I've never seen that side if you." Harris says. "There's a lot of sides of me you haven't seen." I say smirking. "Oh really?" he asks. I give him a look. He laughs a little. We come up to the trampolines and we both look at each other. He raises an eyebrow and I laugh as he pulls me onto the trampolines after him.

I scream a little when I almost fall down. He laughs when I do that and I give him a frown. He turns and starts to hop away. "Get back here!" I yell and jump after him. He just jumps faster and we're both laughing. I stumble and fall on the trampoline.

Harris turns to see if I'm still following him and stops. He comes up to me. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah, I think so." I say standing up. I dust my clothes off. "Let's go jump into the foam pit!" I say grabbing his hand and running towards it. He stumbles after me and I get in line. Once it's my turn I don't wait to plan I just rush forward. When I get to the pit I jump as high as possible and shout: "CANNONBALL!" And do a cannonball into the foam. I don't go too far down but I go down a little.

"Whoo!" I yell as I climb out and jump towards Harris. I jump at him and he stops me with his arms. I laugh and he helps me balance. I step back and let him go. He runs forward and does a front flip in. He lands on top of the foam and climbs out with ease. Then, we walk over to the basketball hoops. I definitely cannot dunk without a trampoline (DUH) so this is really fun for me.

I get up there and hold the ball. I get ready and run. I jump up and dunk and the ball goes through the hoop. I land hitting my fist on the ground to steady myself. I stand up and skip back. Harris takes the ball from me and walks up to the basket, reaches up, and puts it in the basket. He walks coolly back over to me. "Show off." I mumble. "What was that?" he asks me quirking an eyebrow. "Nothing." I say and try to get away. He grabs my waist and throws me over his shoulder.

I yelp and he runs towards the foam pit. "No! Stop!" I yell. He just keeps running and there's no line so he runs up and throws me in. I scream as I land and he laughs and runs away. "Hey!" I yell and climb out as fast as I can. I try to catch up with him but he's too fast. Probably since he plays football. 😒.

He finally stops when he noticed the time. "Dang it. We have to go now." He says. "Hmm." I say sad. He starts to grab my hand but I kick him a little in the shin and run. "Ow, Hey!" He yells and runs after me. As I pass the guy with the phone I yell: "5683!" As I run out the door. Harris is hot on my trail and I start to scream as he catches me. He starts to spin me and I scream. He opens the car door and sets me down inside.

I calm myself down as I wait inside. He climbs in and starts 'er up. I lean forward and turn on the radio. The song #SELFIE comes on. "YESSSS!" I say as I turn it up. The car vibrates from the bass and I start to bob my head.

Harris chuckles and I can barely hear it over the sound. We pull up to a park and he smiles at me. He turns off the radio and we both hop out. He takes my hand and leads me to a bench. "What are we doing here?" I ask as we walk into the park. "We're going to watch the sunset." He says sitting down at a bench. I look at the sky and just now realize it's getting dark.

I sit next to him and he wraps me in his arms. I lean in close to him and rest my head on his chest. I take a deep breath of his smell and try to keep it locked in my brain. I want to get as tight up against his body as possible. He's so warm and makes me feel safe. He leans over and kisses the top of my head as the colors of a sunset form in the sky. I look up at him and kiss him on the lips. We kiss for what feels like forever and when we pull away I feel like it wasn't long enough.

I turn back to my original position and cuddle as close to him as I can. I feel him pull me even closer. I yawn and lay down with my head on his lap. He rest his hand on my hair and strokes it a little. I feel myself drifting off as the sun goes down and Harris picks me up bridal style. I settle my head on his chest and sigh. I feel his chest going up and down with his breaths. He sets me down in the front seat and brushes the hair out of my face. I smile and he kisses my cheek. That makes me smile even more and I hear the door close. He climbs in the other side and kisses my other cheek. Before he pulls all the way back I grab his head and kiss him on the lips. We sit and kiss forever. I feel like no time goes by.

When I get home I lean over and peck him on the cheek. We smile at each other and I go inside. I love him so much.


I updated some of it online so sorry for any spelling errors. :/

I decided to update this every Thursday!

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Stay fresh yaks! ✌️👊😂

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