Chapter 15

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Harris' P.O.V

She looks at me sadly, "It's about you and Penelope though."

I stand up and look down to her, "WHAT?" "WHY DOES THIS INVOLVE PENELOPE?!" She looks at me innocently. "Because she loves you silly! and you love her!"

now make sure you ask her out today, oh and, tell me before you do I want to see her reaction, k?" "uh, sure?"

Penelope's P.O.V

I see a strong figure with his head down and his hood up sitting in my usual seat. He pulls his hood down and it's, Harris!

"Will you go-" "hey guys!" Shira cuts him off

I hear loud footsteps behind me. Just as I start to turn around to see who it is, someone grabs me by my hair and yanks me down to the ground.

I feel a blow to my side and curl up in a ball to keep them from hitting the same spot again. I feel more blows to my back.

I hear someone faintly in the distance screaming my name. "PEN! PEN! NO! STOP IT TATE!"

"THIS IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!" I hear I'm guessing "Tate" says. I feel like I'm about to explode. I'm tired of being bullied!

Harris' P.O.V

I love Penelope more. I push through a group of chic that got in front of me somehow and see now that only Tate is still standing and he isn't moving anymore. What the?


Harris' P.O.V

I see a bunch of jocks walking away from where Penelope once layed holding there face or stomach or limping away. I'm very confused at what's going on. All of the sudden I see Tate stumbling backwards while Penelope has a crazed look in he eyes and her fist clenched. Tate shakes his head and Penelope exams her hand. From how much I know about Tate, I know for sure he doesn't lose a fight. He lunges at Penelope who is completely off guard and knocks her down.

I start to step forward but can't because the whole school gathers around Tate and Pen to see what's happening. Crap. Penelope is going to get hurt really bad and there's nothing I can do!

Penelope's P.O.V

I'm lying on the floor with Tate standing over me like he just won a medal. Maybe I should just let him win. Than I can just go on with my day without anymore bruises. No. I will win this! I can't let him win like all those other times! I swing my leg out and kick him hard in the shin. He grunts and glares at me. Before he can defend himself I jump up an knee him in the gut as hard as I can. He grunts again but shakes it off and grabs my leg. He pulls it out from under me and I fall to the ground. Pain spreads through my back and I wince. I'll be feelin' that for a while.

I quickly regain my feet and swing my fist towards whatever it can find. It meets with Tate's jaw and a little blood comes out. I smile. Not long now till he'll have to give up. He doesn't though. He swings back at me hitting me hard in my stomach and I hit the wall behind me. I grit my teeth to get through the pain. I push off the wall and knock him to the ground. I sit on his stomach and start pounding him with my fists. "This is for all those times that you hurt me!" I scream at him while I punch and try to contain my tears. "And for all the times I never fought back!" The tears start coming as my punches weaken and slow. I get off of Tate eventually and curl into a ball on the floor next to the wall. Everyone starts to leave. Somebody comes over and helps Tate up.

I suddenly feel arms wrap around me. I start to cry harder and scream a little thinking its Tate or someone trying to get revenge for me punching Tate but then I feel their lips hit mine. Our lips move in sync and I forget about the past few minutes and all the pain leaves my body. I just think about now, and finding out who this person I'm kissing is because his lips are so soft and he holds me like he'll never let me go. He pulls away and open my eyes to see Harris. He smiles at me and I smile back. He is just so handsome. I can't believe it.

"I love you Pen, and I was trying to ask you to go out with me before we were interrupted what do you say?" I smile and reply: "Of course." With a smile. He smiles back at me before pulling me into another long kiss. The bell rings for class to start. He pulls away and looks at me.

"How about we ditch the rest of the day and we go get some FroYo?" He says still holding me close. "I would love that." I say huddling in closet to his chest. He scoops me up in his strong arms and carries me bridal style to his car. As he walks I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my head on his chest. My knight in shining armor is taking me for some FroYo. This day could not get any better.

I love him, I love him notWhere stories live. Discover now