Officer 2

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A/N: Before you start reading this, I would like to give credit to my friend saraahhalabii for helping with this short story. Thank you and love ya.

Bad era

I finally dial the numbers, I put the phone against my ear while biting my nails nervously. The line was ringing for about two minutes. "Hi..." My adrenaline rushes through my body I was getting ready to say something until I realize that it was sent straight to voicemail. "Hi this is Michael's and Jennifer's home phone leave a message please" My face contorted I felt numb and confused, when I heard her voice. I close the phone laying on the bed thinking why did he give me his personal number? What was he thinking?

(1 hour later)

"Y/N! Come on we're gonna be lateee!" Mona yells across the hall, I grab my sweater heading out the door. We arrive at the restaurant, it was very loud and crowded and I wasn't in the mood. "Come on today is national best friend day cheer up a little" Mona says in pity.

I sigh in frustration "I know I'm sorry, this was supposed to be our day, but I can't get over the fact that he just did that to me." I look down at my hands fiddling with them. Mona rubs my back and hugs me trying to comfort me. "I'm gonna order some drinks, want anything ?" Mona asks me getting up, I shake my head no. It was too crowded and sweaty so I decided to go out, I grab my sweater and leave.

Fresh air was what I needed, I wrap my arms around my self trying to keep the heat in. Suddenly I hear the door open "What a coincidence." I turn around and it was Michael. "Oh its you." I say sarcastically "You didn't call, I gave you my number." he says clenching his jaw and giving me a little sexy smirk. "I did but Jennifer picked up so I didn't want to bother." After I say that he goes wide eyed "Oh ya she's just my roommate." I roll my eyes in reply. "Nice save" I mumble under my breath.

He was just about to say something but "Y/N!" I hear Mona screaming my name "There you are I've been looking all over for y-" she stops talking and looks at Michael "Oh hello." she's says raising her eyebrows in amusement. I introduced her to Michael "Mona this is Michael, Michael this is Mona" I say pointing back and forth. We all stare at each other awkwardly "Nice to meet you Mona, I gotta go." Michael says leaving. "Oh my god, that was one hottie" Mona says eyeing Michael from the back. "Lets go back inside." I put my hand up, shaking my head. "It's too crowded and sweaty, no thanks." Mona huffs, grabbing my arm. "Fine then, lets walk."

Part 3?

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