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Dangerous era

"I'm home!" I shout walking inside. "Michael?" There was no answer, instead there was a letter that was decorated and written by Michael.

Dear Y/N,
Today is a very special day. So I would like you to follow the rose petals and the little notes that are in this house.
Love, Michael.

I quickly drop my bags, following the rose petals as my anticipation builds. Until I found a note that's on the stairs, it was in Michaels handwriting.

Your little gift awaits in the bedroom. Go, the clock is ticking.

I ran upstairs, going inside our bedroom. To find a beautiful long V neck, red dress, on the bed, with black stilettos. My heart starts racing, as I clearly don't know what's happening. Making my way to the dress, I find a note that's on the chair.

When you finish wearing the things I bought you, follow the little arrow outside the room.
I'm waiting.

I wear my dress with the heels, putting some makeup and doing my hair, as I obey what was written on the notes. Heading out the room, I find the little arrow going left. There were candles in the hallway with the same rose petals. "Michael what are you doing?" I mumble walking down the hallway. While I was walking, I found a man, wearing fancy clothes and waiting next to a door.

"Mrs L/N, Michaels waiting for you." He said with a very fancy accent. "Thank you." I chatted. "You look very wonderful tonight." The man complimented, opening the door for me. I smile at him, thanking him again. I get in, to see nothing but darkness. "Hello?" A spotlight was turned on, as there was a table, with two chairs, and a candle.

A hand was placed on my hand, as I jump afraid. "Michael?" I wondered holding his hand. "Read it." The spotlight went on me as I opened the little letter.

Hello angel,
Today is very special, I can't say it. But you'll find out sooner or later, tonight is that night where you're whole life is about to change, how? You're wondering. Well, we'll see. Just eat dinner with me.
Love, you're one and only, Michael.

I turn around, looking at Michael. "Hey baby." He giggled, holding my waist. "Have dinner with me." I nod, going to the table.

(1 hour)

"The food was delicious." I approved, wiping the corners of my mouth. Michael was just staring at me, smirking. "Michael, is something wrong?" He sighed, holding something in is pocket.

"Y/N, I don't know how to do these kind of stuff, because you know me. I-I've tried to prepare a speech, but I've decided that I would like to say these stuff with my own words In front of you." He gets on one knee, and that's when I start to shake, tears of joy start to roll down my cheeks.

"You have been, my hope, faith,and my joy. You're the woman, who has helped me through everything, without you, I wouldn't know how the world works. You're the most important person on earth. You're my everything, and I want to thank you for everything, you have lifted my life with joy. You have been with me when I was sad, happy and angry, I never and will never get bored of you, we've been together for 6 years, and I still love you, each time I see you, the love grows and grows between us. Once I wrote a song that said "I will keep you warm, through the shadows of the night, let me touch with my love, I can make it feel so right, and baby through the years, even when we're old and grey, I will love you more each day, cause you will always be the lady of my life. And you will be always be the lady of my life. I would love to hear you become a   Mrs. Jackson."

Michael pulls out a very very beautiful ring. "Will you do the honour of being my wife?" I shake my head yes as Michael sniffs and hugs me. He puts the ring on my left finger shouting. "SHE SAID YES!" We start to hear people clap. "I love you Michael Joseph Jackson." I say holding his chest. "And I love you Y/N Jackson." Michael says before pulling me into a passionate kiss.

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