Chapter 5

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I'm back my little butterflies. Do you like calling you butterflies? Idk so I'm calling you guys butterflies for now. Now on with Chapter 5!


"Chase, why do I have wind powers? What are are you talking about I have more than just one?!" I started to pace my bedroom.

"Listen princess calm down. I can't explain any of it to you. Emma said to wait til your 16 which is in a week." Chase grabbed my arms and pulled me into his lap.

"Brooklyn Ann Lousie Lily Stone you are in tro-," Destiny bursted into my room. "He's in your room?!"

I quickly stood up, "Des shut up!" I ran and closed my bedroom door behind her.

"Sorry. You have a guy in your room! You have so much explaining to do missy!" Destiny scolded me and sat in my bean bag chair that is under my window down by my closest.

"Oh hi Destiny," Chase blushed sheepishly.

"Oh don't you 'oh hi Destiny' me Mr. your in trouble too. Now B sit your butt on your bed and start explaining."

I quickly sat besides Chase and looked at my hands that are on my lap. "What do you want to know?"

"Why is he in your room with your door close?" Destiny gave us a smirk.

"Well umm uh," I didn't know what to say.

"I came over asking for advice on our umm math homework?" Chase said but made it a question.

"Yeah math homework," hehe Destiny please don't kill me.

"Mmmm, okay then why is your hair wet and why is their red lipstick on Chase's lips?" Destiny questioned.

"I got out of the bath and he was here." Sh!t how am I going to explain the lipstick?! Chase help!!! You answer this part please! 

"Well you see Des, I was on her balcony so Brookie here decided to see me. Well right before I started laughing at out horrible acting skills of Romeo and Juliet Emma comes in. So, Brooke had to shut me up. She decided to kiss me to keep me quiet. Hehe."

Destiny stood up and grabbed him by his ear, pulled him onto my balcony. She closed to doors, I crawled over to hear what she was saying. "Now listen here pretty boy. If you think that you can mess with my girl's feelings then your wrong! If you break her I will destroy you! And you know that I can Chase, don't make me remind you of your place back at the kingdom."

I quickly crawled back to my bed and sat on it. How does Destiny know about the kingdom? Why is it a secret to me? How does like everyone know about it but me?! Ahhhh it makes me so mad!

They came back in about 5 minutes later. "Listen Brooke I have to go. I'm sorry, I'll see ya around." Once Chase said that he left down the vines.

I had tears in my eyes knowing that whatever Destiny has said made him upset and never want to see me again.

"Hey don't cry Brookie," Destiny sat beside me.

"Just stop!" I stood up, "you don't understand Des, I heard what you told him about not messing with my feelings!" Anger rushed over me and soon enough rain clouds appeared out of nowhere in the sky. It started to pour cats and dogs.

"Brooke calm down. I don't want you to get hurt by him," Des walked over to me.

"Stay away," wind blew out my balcony doors and pushed Destiny to the far corner of my bedroom. "I want answers but clearly no one is going to give them to me!"

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