Chapter 26

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Hello! Unfortunate news this is coming to an end.


14 years later

Margarita raced in the garden. "You'll never catch me Maxie!" She giggled at the nickname she gave her best friend. A few months after Brooklyn had given birth to her, Destiny had given birth to a boy. The girl's dark brown hair floated behind her as she ran.

"Come on Pegs you know I hate that nickname!" Max complained chasing after her. The boy had sun light golden hair with curls that bounced as he ran.

"Never!" She laughed using her magic to fly above him.

He huffed and stopped running seeing her, "no fair."

"Margarita," a voice boomed from the entrance of the garden.

Peggy frowned as she landed. Once feet were on the grass she smoothed out her purple dress. "Hi mom," she smiled of innocent.

"Maxwell will you please excuse us?" Brooklyn ask apporaching the two.

Max nods, "of course." He bowed and hurried inside.

Brooklyn crossed her arms, "Margarita I'm very disappointed in you. I warned you about using your powers outside. Especially without enough training."

Peggy sighed, "geez mom chill. I'm just trying to have fun. Besides Max can use his power outside! It's all talk with you! You said," she stood straight mocking voice. "Margarita you must train. You will become the most powerful queen once you get the crown. You will lead to great things. I let you play with Max but in two years you'll have to start thinking about the kingdom and marriage." 

Her mother crossed her arms, "I don't sound like that. You want training it starts tomorrow." Brooklyn turned and started inside. "At six am." She entered the castle.

Margarita gasped, "it's all about training!" She raced inside and to her room. "I just want a normal life. I've heard about her time on Earth. I'm sick of this kingdom and having to become the ruler." She torn off her purple dress and slipped into a jean skirt with a yellow shirt tucked in. She put on her white knee high boots. "Perfect," she twirled looking at herself in the mirror.

Chase knocked on the door before entering. He looked at her outfit. "You know you wear that same outfit before trying to run away. Peggy each time you and your mother get in an argument you can't run away. How about this you train and for now we stop talking about kingdom running."

Peggy crossed her arms clipping her cloak. "Dad I want a normal life with no powers, dragon flying and any of this. Being a princess I don't want this! I know I was born of the forbidden love of a knight and princess. I'm suppose to be more powerful than mom."

"Peggy you'll miss Max and Cassandra." He said mentioning Max's twin.

Right at the moment the raven haired girl appeared sitting on the window sill. "I heard my name." She giggled and slipped inside. She twirled and her skinny jeans along with a dark blue shirt turned into dark blue dress. This was a new magic that was transformation.

"Cassandra I trust you'll talk with Peggy about runaway." He looked at her.

"Might I be able to take her off the royal grounds for a bit?" She asked.

Chase nodded his permission, "just don't let her mother know." He kissed the top of his daughters head before leaving them.

Cassandra took Margarita's hand and went to the window. The two jumped out and floated off the grounds. The girl's giggled watching the guards go clueless. Soon enough the two landed right outside their secret hideout in the forest.

"Okay now what are you going to try and do to get me to stay?" Peggy asked sitting in the hideout.

Cassandra raised an eyebrow, "do you really want to know?"

She simpled nodded.

The raven haired girl hugged her. "You have to stay, I as your best friend need you here. Heck I'm suppose to be one of your ladies in waiting. Who knows maybe we'll be shipped off somewhere exciting!" She gushed grabbing her friend's hands.

Peggy laughed, "alright! You've convinced me!"

4 years later

Margarita stood between two decisions running away with her best friends, marrying one of them or marrying Ethan Cross, Devin Cross's son. Maybe even be herself and not marry anyone. When she had a kiss if felt awkward and unwanted.  Over four years she learned about her magic, and trained hard. She grew closer with her besties and had some kisses between each. The one with Max was weird while the one with Cassandra felt the same.

Peggy looked at the crowd of people who came for her crowning. She said her friend's and the man she should marry. She looked over at her parents then the priest as he placed the crown on her head. The crown glowed a white as her dress turned into a deep red and her hair turned into a deeper brown.

Cassandra stepped closer watching the woman she loved. Peggy looked at the crowd and ripped off the crown. "I-I can't do this!" She hurried out of the throne room and to her room. She ripped off her dress. She breathed heavily and changed into skinny jeans sneakers and a tucked in like blue shirt.

Brooklyn bursted in and held her hand daughter, "shhh it's okay." Margarita didn't realize she was crying until now. "Don't worry about marrying anyone or running the kingdom alone. You just cry your heart out now." 

So she cried and cried, "please don't let me get married."

Brooklyn nods, "you won't have to."

Her daughter smiled slightly wiping her tears. "Will you tell them? Cassandra, Max and Ethan?"

"Of course," Brooklyn agreed.

Therefore, as the years came Margarita reign as a queen with no heirs or heiresses and no king or queen. She was one of the most wisest, kindest and smartest rulers Ephian ever had. Over the years her parents had a son who would take rule once Margarita died. Her brother, Edward had a wife and three children. He named one of his three daughters after his sister. Angelica the oldest, Elizabeth the middle and Margarita the youngest.

That my dears is the story of All The Elements.


I hope I ended it the way some of you hoped or a surprising way. Now I have other stories if y'all want to check them out.

I will not be making a sequel to this story. I ended it the way I wanted after getting a tada bored of it.

Love y'all!

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