Chapter 24

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Before I start this chapter I just want to thank all you of. You guys have gotten All The Elements to #725 ranking in princess. Thank you everyone for sticking with me as I update slow. Anyways onto the chapter!


I stare at my door as Suzie leaves. I sit on my bed before looking at the rope hanging down from the ceiling. She had informed me to ring it if needed.

I couldn't rest until I knew if Chase was okay or not. I stand up and pull it as hard as I can. I wait patiently for someone to come.

This time instead of Suzie there was a black haired guy with blue eyes almost purple. "Is there something wrong princess?" He asked.

"Yes! I have a few questions. First off who are you?" I ask a bit panicked.

"I'm Charlie, did Suzie tell you that I brought you here?" Charlie asked.

"Yes. And perfect you are just the guy I need. I-is Chase okay? What did you do to him? Is he alive?" I couldn't stop the questions from falling off of my tongue.

"Woah woah. Calm down, Princess Brooklyn. You must be talking about your guard. He is alive and if I told you what I did you would be sicker. But alive nonetheless." He shrugged.

I growled and used my earth magic and used the roots to tie him to the wall. "What did you do?"

He chuckled a bit, "I told it would make you sick."

"As a princess I demand you tell me what you did to my guard!" I growled at him.

"Fine," Charlie shrugged. "I dug my sword into his side. Then twisted it in deeper. He put up a good fight before he passed out." He told me easily without hesitation.

I step back from him in shock. "THAT COULD KILL HIM!" I yelled at him. "I swear you will never have my child! My child is mine and Chase's! No one's else."

"Well you have 3 months to get use to the idea of your child becoming Suzie and I's." He shrugged.

I let him go from the roots, "get out!" I growled at him before crossing my arms and turning away.

I waited for the sound of my door to close before breaking down in tears. I lean against a wall as I cried.

Before I knew it I was falling asleep on the ground. I fell into a deep deep sleep. No dreams would be dreamt while I was sleeping.

2 1/2 months later

I was sitting out on a balcony when a loud crash came. Those were happening more and more nowadays. As the date for the birth of my unborn child came closer I was being guarded by Suzie or Charlie basically at all times.

After sometime Suzie and I had come closer some would even say friends. But even then I couldn't be friends with someine who's taking away my child. Chase and I still didn't have discussed a name when we were together.

I have yet to know if he's even still alive or not. Heck I don't even know if he's been looking for us. I rubbed my stomach softly and looked off the balcony.

I jumped a bit as a crash came closer than before. Usually Charlie would have killed or hurt the attacker by now. Must be someone who wants the child more than before. All I can do now is hope I escape before the child is born.

The crash came even closer than before. I stood up this time and hurried to the glass door. Right as I was about to round a corner to enter a safe room a arm wrapped around my waist.

"Trying to run away from me? I thought I was your knight in shining armor." I heard a familiar voice say before I looked at him.

I bursted into a wide grin. "Chase!" I hugged him tight, "you found us!" I started to tear up.

"Okay okay. We'll talk later bit right now I need to get you out of here." He told me before hurrying to a back door. Chase held my hand tight and his sword in the other.

Finally we were outside. Soon we were able to get into the forest. Once we were deep enough inside Chase stopped running. He turned to him and kissed my forehead lightly.

"For months I have been looking everywhere for you guys." Chase told me and held me. "There was not one second I wasn't worried."

"And you were on my mind. I couldn't shake the thought that you were dead." I told him and looked up at him. For the longest time I forgot about the 4 inch height distance.

"Listen we don't have much ti-" he didn't finish before I interpreted.

"I know! But I can't go anywhere now. Chase it's time. The baby is coming." I told him before leaning into him.

About 30 minutes later

Chase had taken off his cloak and wrapped up our little girl in it. He sat down beside me and handed her to me.

"She's so precious," he said and wrapped and arm around me.

I smiled at her then looked at him. I leaned over and kissed him ever so gently.


This is where you come in!!!

Guys please give me a name who the baby princess. I want your ideas then I'll pick my favorite.

This means I will not be able to post a new chapter until I get at least two girl names.

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