Chapter 1

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Crystal's Pov: As I watched Oliver crumble to the ground with Maya's screams. Something inside of me changed that day. I turned cold, I stopped smiling. Once we returned to the castle, I pushed everyone away.

"Well Crystal... all I can say is thank you for keeping our daughter safe. Someday she'll go back to her old self, but for now we'll let her mourn over Oliver's death. I hope the best for you and good luck taking over the witches. You're gonna need it." The werewolf king says.

After leaving the werewolves and crossing the werecats territory. I finally start heading towards home which I haven't seen since I left that one day to learn how to become a guardian.

After many years away from home, i'm finally going home. After be assigned to be a guardian to Maya at a young age, I was forced to leave to train then head straight out to find her. After finding her we ended up traveling for the longest time. But now that she's safe I can finally return. And take my rightful place on the throne. But over the years I have changed. I'm not the same person I was back then.

Leaving Maya at the castle with her parents felt good. She's reunited with her twin brother and parents, also is now in training to be the queen of wolves, while her brother is in training to be king of cats. But she is still scared by the loss of her mate. She was my responsibility to keep safe and when Oliver came along it was my duty to protect him to. But I couldn't. But maybe someday she might have the chance for a second chance mate which is rare.

Queen Candice's Pov: "Common people. Pick up the pace. I want this place ready for Crystal's return. She should be arriving sometime tomorrow. We shall have a feast in her honor, tomorrow night." I yell out to everyone scurrying around cleaning.

"I'm so excited! I haven't seen my daughter in years!" I say out loud with a smile.

"My lady. I got word from the king of wolves, he mentioned you might want to be careful... apparently Maya's mate died in front of all there eyes and... well... he said that she snapped and closed off to everyone around her there..." My second in command Evanora

My eyes slowly widen as I look over to Evanora.

"Well Evanora... if she isn't ready to be crowned queen then I refuse to let her be queen until the day she snaps out of her crap." I whisper out, my eyes hardening.

"Well my lady, we'll soon find out how much work we got ahead of us to groom her into a queen." Evanora whispers watching everyone scurry around.

"Tomorrow shall be interesting to say the least. The witches sole heir finally returning after years of working for the council. I remember her being so sweet and innocent... my own daughter... It has been years, I have no doubt she has changed a great deal over the years." I whisper out staring out a window, listening to scurrying people.

Alrighty then. If my daughter is as the king of wolves says, my own daughter lost in her own darkness then I shall do everything in my power to bring her back from the darkness inside one's sole.

"Alright everyone the castle looks spotless, get some well earned rest. We have a feast to plan in the morning." My voice booms out to everyone around. With that said I walk off heading to the one place I remember being with Crystal before she left. Where she told me she was becoming a guardian.

Walking into the forest that surrounds the castle I walk to a deserted area where a sole swing sits swinging in the wind.

*Flash back*

"Mother... The council have chosen me to become a guardian to the heir of wolves who is currently missing... and I accepted it." Crystal whispers while swinging on the swing.

Looking up towards the sky I whisper, "I had a feeling they would chose you. You're strong, you won't let anything stop you to get what you want. The perfect person to find their lost heir and bring her safely home. If this is what you want then you must follow your own path and someday you will return I know it."

"Thank you mother for understanding and I will come home one day, and become your heir to the witches." I watch Crystal say with a strong voice showing who she is meant to be a protector, a royal.

*flashback over*

"Come home my daughter your time to return is now." I say into the wind.

Crystal's Pov: "Come home my daughter your time to return is now." A voice says floating in the wind.

"Mother?" I whisper out.

Looking out into the sky towards the way to home I watch as the wind whips past my face. I can feel everyone of the witches and warlocks excitement of my return home.

Looking over my shoulder I look to see Thunder still limping but still attempting to try and get back in the air. "Easy Thunder... I know you miss the sky and the wind blowing in your face but you must let your wing heal. Maybe the healer back home can help you out." I whisper to Thunder.

Looking back towards the way to home I start walking. I got people waiting for me.

"Let's go Thunder we got miles of walking ahead of us and I want to find us a nice cave or something to rest in for the night." I say walking.

After a good couple of hours of walking we finally found a cave to rest in. But of course as luck has it we just had to run into rogue wolves.

"Walk away now, or you shall die by my hand young wanderer." I say lifting my hand, it starts to glow a bright light. I am not in the mood to play games! Now LEAVE!"" I yell.

Walking towards the wolves and giving Thunder a hand motion to stay put I walk forward taunting. The wolves stand their ground, the leader of the group soon steps forward. Challenging me, I walk forward, and ram my fist into the wolf's muzzle sending it flying through the air, as it rams into a tree.

"I gave you a warning to walk away and leave peacefully but you insisted on fighting, you were once civil humans too, well who knows. Make the smart choice run away, with your tails tucked between your legs. I bet you cronies don't want to end up like your little leader over there." I murmur out nodding towards their leader.

One step is all it took and the shaking wolves bowed their heads and scurried off saving their own skins. The leader soon does rise, looks at me with one look, that makes me want to melt in front of him. Or is it even a he? But why.

I shake my head and stand my ground. "You better scurry off or next time I will kill you." I say with such venom the wolf looks taken aback with confusion.

With that said I turn my back towards the wolf and walk towards the cave with Thunder in pursuit.

First chapter! Hope you like. How'd I do? Thoughts? Ideas? I love to hear others ideas.-Catmaster  

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