Chapter 2

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Leader Wolf's Pov: My small little pack, a tiny group really, and I have been on the run for years now, running away from the ones, barely even able to be called humans in the slightest sense, who have abused us all. Until the council took us in we had no home, but now we're called the council's dogs. After travelling awhile, we finally found shelter for the night, a old cave. Just as we're getting as comfortable as possible for some well earned rest, before even closing my eyes a new scent invades my senses, my mouth automatically starts watering at the aroma.

I get up, shaking my fur letting leaves fall off and start in the direction of the scent to investigate, only to find a woman standing there with a piercing glare, eyes cold as ice. "Walk away now, or you shall die by my hand young wanderer." She gloomingly says whilst lifting a hand, it starts to glow a bright light, great a witch just what we needed. "I am not in the mood to play games! Now LEAVE!" She commands.

She starts to saunter towards us giving the great beast behind her a hand motion to stay put. We stand our ground, as the leader of the group I step forward, trying my hardest not to show my fear. Challenging the unknown witch, before I knew it she walks forward, and rams her fist into my muzzle sending me flying backwards through the air with ease, making me ram into a tree.

"I gave you a warning to walk away and leave peacefully but you insisted on fighting, you were once civil humans too, well who knows. Make the smart choice run away, with your tails tucked between your legs. I bet you cronies don't want to end up like your little leader over there." She murmurs out nodding towards me, her mouth twitching to a smirk.

'Run! I'll catch up we'll meet by the creek we were at earlier!' I shout through our link

One step is all it took from her and my shaking friends bowed their heads in submission before they scurried off into the woods saving their own skins. As soon as they disappear from sight I rise, thought unsteady, I look at the girl with such emotion then my wolf whispers the one word I have been waiting for my entire life, but now i have never dreaded more, 'Mate.'

I shake my head and stand my ground. "You better scurry off or next time I will kill you." She says with venom lacing her voice, I'm taken aback with such confusion.

With that last remark, she turns her back towards me and what was our camp, walking towards the cave entrance with the giant birdlike beast loyally at her heals.

'What the heck just happened!?!?!' I ask my wolf in confusion

'She's our mate. That's what, and from the looks of it something happened to her to make this cold hearted. And if she accepts us we got our work cut out for us.' My inner wolf says back.

Okay, I shake the thoughts about the strange witch and mates from my head, my friends are waiting for me. As I run back the way we came earlier all my thoughts were about her.

"About time! What took you so long you're not hurt are you?"

"No i'm not hurt. I just got distracted that's all..." I say back.

"Whats wrong? You're usually so strong but right now you're slouching why? Did she do something to you?"

"No she didn't do anything to me, it's just that... I found my mate..."

"Wait what! When! Who?" They all yell simultaneously through the link.

"It was her... the witch who sent me flying. Yet if she wanted to she could of killed me with that move she used but yet when I hit the tree the impact was lifted a bit." I say back.

"No way... so what do we do now?" Lilly murmurs silently.

"I thought about following her and by how much power she has she must be a higher up... prob second in command unless it's the heir but that's silly the witches heir last I heard is with Maya our princess."

"No way..." Lilly murmurs.

"Lilly... do not fear, everything will work out. Just like the elders said, we all have a great destiny ahead of us. And mine is apparently to save her from herself and bring back into the light."

"Well girls I guess we should get moving then, we got a witch to follow." I say.

The next day we followed the witch and her big bird, hidden just out of sight. She walked swiftly, moving fast like she was in a hurry.

"So leader... what's gonna happen when we arrive. I know we must go speak to the Queen either way but what will we tell her about your mate?" Lucy asks.

"I honestly don't know right now, but we have orders from the council to deliver this message and then we must move on. Our mission is our first concern. The council gave us a home off the streets, now we are their loyal dogs to order around delivering messages. We owe them our lives, a debt that will never yet always repaid."

After of hours of following the witch and the big bird. We finally made it.

"Let's go shift, undoubtedly best not to walk inside in wolf form."

As soon we were shifted we grabbed the bag we've all been passing around and taking turns holding at a time, we get dressed and start heading towards the witches castle.

At the castle doors we get stopped immediately by the guards, diligently on the offensive. "Who are you? What is your purpose here? No outsiders are allowed in without the queens okay."

Without one word I shove my shirt down slightly to reveal the council's crest, burned into my skin for the rest of my life, a brand we will wear with pride but with shame also. The others do the same thing. And let's just say the guard's eyes go wide and quickly scoots out of the way letting us in.

With some quick directions and a lower class witch showing us the way to the Queen's throne room we finally make it.

After we knocked a booming voice says, "Come in."

As soon as we walk through the large wooden doors I tense up, looking up to find the same girl who threw me against a tree, my other half, my mate. I shake my head and walk in front of Lilly and Lucy.

Crystal's Pov: It took all morning but I finally arrived home. And of course soon as I arrived I barely get the time to sit down and talk to my own mother before word is sent to us about the council's dogs here to chat with my mother. Sigh I prefer the royal council right now, they come in person and don't use people as slaves and call them their dogs.

As my mother and I head to the throne room, she keeps making small glances towards me, a thoughtful, curious, worried look swirling in her eyes.

Once inside the throne room mother takes her rightful seat upon the throne while I stand poised by her side.

Not even a minute of waiting later a small knock is heard echoing into the chamber and my mother's booming voice is heard in reply, "Come in."

With that said, three girls walk in, with one, the obvious leader, walking a few steps ahead of them she wavers, eyes glancing towards me before walking in but shakes her head and keeps coming forward.

"My queen." she bows respectively, "I am called Leader and these are my comrades Lilly and Lucy. The council has sent us to let you know that 'he' is on the move and is nearing your territory and it would be best to keep a close eye out." The leader of the group says with a strong and leveled voice.

"Hmm... I'll keep that in mind and keep my people close to home then. For now you three may spend the night here and rest. Oh! That's right I almost forgot to introduce my daughter and heir to the witches," she says the title with pride, "Crystal." My mother says with a slight smile at the last part.

"We've been travelling for some time, last time we heard of Crystal she was with the werewolves princess Maya. I have heard many good tales about you around the council, it is a pleasure to finally meet you Crystal." The leader says with the slightest hint of bitterness. I didn't understand the sour edge, but it did stung a bit to be honest. 

How'd I do? Thoughts? Ideas? I love to hear others ideas.-Catmaster  

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