Chapter 6

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Queen Candice's Pov: I listen as the line just keeps on ringing, "Oh for bliming sakes what is that alpha king doing." I murmur out loud annoyed.

"Hello, this is King Richard." A tired annoyed voice answers.

"Long time no see old friend." I chuckle.

"Well if it isn't Candice. Since when do you call me. It must be pretty important to get you to use an actual phone instead of sending someone with a letter." He murmurs.

"Well this is a personal matter. Crystal has found her mate. But her mate is one of the council's dogs. And I wish to free her from this fate of her's. Wh-" Being cut off by Richard. Grumbling, I listen to Richard anyways.

"Which you wish to ask for my help to push the council to their knees once more so we can free her?" Richard finishes.

"Yes that is correct. Will you help?" I ask.

"For an old friend and ally." Richard speaks pausing for a split moment, "Of course I will help. Just keep me in the loop for who all is helping thats all I ask."

"Will do and may I ask if you could ask Alseia if she'll lend a hand in all this?" I ask.

"OF COURSE I WILL HELP!" A loud voice screams through the phone.

I hear a grunt and low whispering on the other line. I chuckle to this before finally speaking, "Hello Alseia it's nice to hear your voice, it's been to long."

"Same to you Candice. Anyway you might wanna give a quick call to the dragons maybe or we can just ask Rainy Daze to. Since he is still their second in command." Alseia says in thought.

"Thats a good idea." I whisper.

"I don't think he'll mind. He seems to miss home a bit either way. And it would be good for Jonathan to get out of the castle." Alseia rants.

Chuckling once more, "I guess i'll leave talking to the dragons to you two then." I murmur.

"Aye captain!" Alseia giggles.

Unknown's Prisoner's Pov: I sit in the dark cold cell, water dripping from the ceiling, the never ending sound of dripping water slowly driving me to insanity. No light, no warmth, no nothing. Just pitch blackness and cold damp rock. I've only known this cell for twenty long years, each day another etched line into the rock so I won't forget all of reality. Since the birth of my own child I have been trapped here.

Lifting my hand up, with shackles dangling heavily on my fragile wrists. I attempt to cast another weak spell for warmth. But before I even manage to begin casting anything, heavy footsteps soon appear stomping down the stairs. Opening up the cell door and releasing bright light, forcing me to shield my eyes and hunch away from the blinding light.

Once my eyes finally adjusted enough for me to squint and see, I look up to find my captor evilly smirking down at me. "I saw your daughter today, my my how she has grown. She's finally returned home to her mother, and may I say she's turned into a feisty, young lady." He licks his disgusting lips, slowing a rotten toothed grin. "Fit enough to be by my side when the day comes of apocalypse." He says smirking watching my expression turn from exhaustion to fear for my daughter.

Leader's Pov: "So why did you call me out her, out of nowhere?" Crystal asks a bit annoyed.

Looking down at the ground, I consider my words carefully before whispering, "I'm your mate Crystal..."

"I won't accept anyone as my mate. I reject you...." Crystal says but gets cut off, sitting up quickly as I soon wake up out of breath.

I look around my surroundings before scrambling out of bed. Heading towards the balcony, once out on the balcony I breathe in the cool air, washing away the dream. Looking out towards the woods, I finally give in to my instincts. Jumping over the side of the balcony, I shift midway. As soon as my paws hit the ground, I hit the ground at full speed running off.

As I ran, I find my wolf taking control and forcing me to go a certain way. Following my wolf's instincts, I find myself staring at Crystal swinging on a sole lonely swing with Thunder near by playing in a flower bed.

Looking back towards Crystal, I find a very distant look on her face staring up at the sky. She looks at peace but yet not at the same time.

"How long are you going to stand there staring at me?" A voice whispers out of blue bringing me out of my daze.

"You might as well shift and come sit down. Since i'm guessing you have something you wanna tell me." Crystal adds.

Staring for another minute, I finally end up shifting. Walking over I sit down leaning up against the tree. As I sat it felt like hours went by, my thoughts, her thoughts keeping us both to ourselves.

"Who are you to me? I don't even know you yet the tingles, the urge to be near you. Why is that?" Crystal asks.

Looking over towards Crystal, all I find is confusion, emotions trying so hard to break out of there locked box.

Sighing, "How to explain it to you is hard. But either way, I don't think you're ready to know the truth." I whisper looking away. For your own safety, i'll hold on and fight even if this is killing me on the inside.

Crystal's Pov: Leader sighs, sadness in her eyes thinking before answering. "How to explain it to you is hard. But either way, I don't think you're ready to know the truth." She whispers out with sadness, while looking away from me, with tears brimming her eyes.

"How am I not ready, I fought in wars, protected the princess of wolves, and so much more." I say my eyes becoming cold watching her every movement.

"Because this is something that you've never had to deal with. Feelings are very powerful, but they are hard to control. Until the day you open up to your mother and I, and figure out who you are. I will keep this burden to myself." She whispers with a strong voice.

I watch as she stands, smiling a sad smile towards me before shifting, then running off into the forest.

How'd I do? Thoughts? Ideas? I love to hear others ideas.-Catmaster

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