Chapter 13

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Crystal's Pov: I slowly look over to King Richard, my eyes going wide. "You gotta be kidding me right now! My mother isn't that stupid!" I yell.

"Well sweet pea, she sorda is. She makes certain decisions that impact thousands, just to protect you. Since the disappearance of your father." Richard murmurs sadly.

"My father.... I haven't heard a peep about my father in years! Why now!?" I rant with annoyance.

"When the loss of a true loved one happens, a sole person can go mad. Especially, those who have mates." He murmurs. Sadness swirls thru his eyes along with memories of the past.

"Then tell me what happened then! I've been left in the dark my whole life since my father's disappearance." I yell, my voice cracking ever so slightly.

"Your father was a wolf Crystal. A wolf is very clingy to their mate and makes there mate become clingy as well.... The day he disappeared your mother changed, she became very clingy just for you to become a guardian to my daughter, it took everything in her not to stop you and lock you up. Especially with the reassurance from me that you'd be kept safe." The sorrowful look in his eyes after saying all that was saddening.

"My father meant something to you didnt he? You've been in my life since I was little, helping my mother, protecting me from the abuse of my people, taking me on sumo father and daughter trips. Why..." I ask looking straight into his eyes.

"Because your... father was.... M-my b-brother..." He whispers silently with a silent tear strolling down his cheek.

"My father was your brother.... Why didn't anyone tell me?" I whisper.

"Because when you were born, my brother and your mother decided it was for the best to keep a secret since my brother was an outlaw... a wolf without a wolf..." He murmured. 

"Well for now, we will push this aside. Right at this moment we must return home, and stop this war." I say loudly, making Jackson turn his head ever so slightly in my direction.

"Spoken like a true Queen. Now run you two." Richard speaks as his eyes start to glow, as he shifts into his huge wolf, and running off in an unknown direction. 

"Let's go then." Leader says with a smirk. I nod my head and walk out leaving Jackson in his misery.

Grabbing the whistle around my neck, I blow into as a loud whistle noise erupted thru the cool night air, as soon as the sound faded the squawk of Thunder sounded as he lands right in front of us.

I hop on immediately, and wait for Leader to follow along. Looking over I see her just standing there, "Well? Are you coming or not." I say grimly.

"Always." She says with a bright smile, that I've never seen on her before. Clicking my tongue, we instantly soar thru the sky as fast as possible back home.

Unknowns Pov: Ah what lovely sounds. The screams, the agony sounds... Ahhh i'm in heaven. Oh how I do love battles. Such glorious sounds and deaths happening all around. Smirking at my army fighting the witches, I soon see a beast flying at high speed with the witches heir and her mate. About time, things should start getting interesting.

Crystal's Pov: "Mother!" I yell as soon as she comes into sight. I glare at her for a slight moment before muttering, "We'll talk about why you didn't tell me to my face about everything. Now then let's get this war to end, there's been enough blood shed for one day."

"That's for sure." Leader mutters while shifting into her wolf, and running off into the mist of the fight.

How'd I do? Thoughts? Ideas? I love to hear others ideas.-Catmaster    

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