Chapter 17

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Leader's Pov: Where do I start... I guess the begining. I guess it all started when I was young child. Back then my dad loved me to death. But then one day rouges broke into are pack house or I guess it was that man who kidnapped me. From what i heard they were after me, instead of my mother the luna. My mom protected me and fought with her life, until her last breaths. The rogues ran off when they heard pack members running to our aid but were to late." I say with tears starting to come down my face.

"After my mom died my dad instantly sent me into the dungeons where i spent a good ten or so years in till the day Lucy and Lily were thrown into the cells. They watched as I got beat to almost death, and were there to nurse me back with the little bit of food they gave us. As time went on finally the council notice what was going on and went into action to take down my father who crazy. Instead of freezing us three like the other prisoners they took us to the council after that, which just end us being called the councils dogs. Which is the somewhat short story of my past." I finish with tears rolling down my cheeks about ready to break my well trained composure. Looking over at Crystal I notice a thoughtful look on her face and in the corner of my eye i see hopeful on her moms.

"Okay I understand... we will make a deal okay... I don't like this but I will give us a shot. One month. You call the shots of the deals like dates and such and I can have some rules to protect myself." Crystal mumbles out slightly unsure if she really wanted to do this.

"You'll really try?" I ask

"Yes..." She mumbles.

"Okay. The deal is you can't avoid me and if possible maybe at the last two weeks at least sleep in the same room. Also I say three to five rules for you." I say a little cheerful.

"Alright rule one I do have royal duties that require my attention so don't bug me during that unless absolutely necessary. Two I call the shots on anything to do with kissing and so on... and three if I need space for a few hours to a day you must commit to it until I got to you, after a day your welcome to back but before that I must absolutely got to you." Crystal murmurs out.

"Alright but you can only have three of the need for space. So use it wisely." I say with a smile.

"Since you girls have figured that out it's time to figure out who kidnapped you both. From what I know he's a very powerful being who has shown magic, shapeshifting abilities, vampiric speed, and so on. Which is very dangerous and he seems to know all the royals. Which is even worse, so we are all in danger, every single one of us. It may be time to summon all royals together once again." Candice rants.

"What do you mean mother?" Crystal asks.

"There is actually two councils, one of x alphas and another of kings and queens for just royals. Once every is summoned we speak from there." Candice whispers ending the conversation leaving us to our thoughts.

Crystal's Pov: It's been a few months are little deal, and well guess who one... Little missy who sleeps soundly right next to me. My mother was right you can't lead by yourself and especially move around in life. We've been looking for Jackson as of late but since he know were looking for him he disappears before we can even reach him. Which is typical of him.

"WAKE UP YOU TWO! Breakfast is ready, let's eat we're starving and dying of hunger!!" Yells Lucy and Lily.

"Alright, were coming geez." I grumble getting up. Time to start the day, back on the hunt of the original Vampire.

The end~

Next book The Original Vampire *Book 5*- Catmaster

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