Chapter 12

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Maya's Pov: Once leaving Crystals room, I choose the room across from her. A beautiful light brown colored room with a queen size bed. And a private bathroom. Walking farther into the room, I look out the window to find Jackson vamping off into the night.

Laying down, I fell asleep to a nightmarish sleep.

"Leader. Leader. Wake up. It's just a dream! WAKE UP." A voice yells bringing me out of my hell. Springy up, with beads of sweat pooling off of me, I look over to find Crystal looking over at me with slight concern lacing her eyes. "You woke me up from your screams... What happened?" She asks looking down at her fidgeting hands.

Looking away I murmur, "My past, haunting me to my very core."

Jackson's Pov: Sitting on the windows ledge, watching the sun rise up from the earth, I soon hear ringing from my pocket. Sighing I open up my phone to find wolfie boy calling.

"What do you want wolfie boy." I ask annoyed.

"Do you have Crystal and Mirajane?" Richard asks.

"Yes yes yes. They are safe. They reside in my castle right now, I will take them back to the witches soon. I got word that the Witch Queen didn't want them anywhere near the kingdom right now. Something's off." I mutter into the phone.

"Mmmm. Candice always did have a tendency to stay quiet when threats came afoot. Just follow what she says, it's better for everyone to just listen to her. She still isn't the same and can easily go mad, since the loss of her one true love." Richard spoke with such sadness.

"Yeah. Yeah. I heard the story. Don't really care but prefer not to deal; with conflict. Way to much hassle." I mutter.

"Gotta go, duties call. Bye old friend." Richard murmurs ending the call.

"Yeah. Yeah. Wolfie boy, now leave me alone." I say sighing putting the phone away.

"Hey... Guessing that was King Richard." A voice murmurs from behind. Turning I find Crystal walking into the room.

"Yes it was, he was just checking to make sure I actually did my part to fetch the both of you." I mutter annoyed, there goes my quiet morning.

"So why are we here? Why not just take us back home?" I ask.

"Because your mother asked me not to. Plus one out cold witch and a werewolf about to drop, with some mighty good control might I add. If she had her wish you'd be taken by now. After all you are mates." I murmur looking back out the window.

Crystal's Pov: Turning my head slowly to face Jackson, "What do you mean by mate?" I ask.

He immediately freezes turning his head to face me. "Guessing by that question of yours you haven't noticed. It's not my place to say. Its her's." He whispers nodding his head towards Leader. Who won't look at me. But why me.

"I am so going to murder you. It's not your place to mention people's own business." She mutters coldly towards Jackson.

And of course Jackson looks over no fear, but then starts shifting in his spot. "Well my bad, but girly you must know Crystal would've never have noticed." Jackson whispers with a mischievous grin.

Before I even saw what was happening Leader launched herself at Jackson. Who with little effort avoided her attacks. But one.

"Great girl. You know how poisonous wolf venom is? It hurts like crazy can't kill me thou. Ugh. This is going to be one long night." Jackson grumbles holding his left arm where a bite mark shows.

"Well let that teach you a lesson to not mention people's private lives. If only I could kill you, but doing that would end my life for sure. Since you are on the royal council." Leader growls out.

Looking back and forth between Leader and Jackson. All I see is hatred from Leader and dull and bored ness from Jackson with a hint of mischievousness.

"OKAY! Will you two stop fighting and tell me what the heck is going on!" I yell.

Leader's head instantly snaps towards me all anger evaporating, but soon comes fear and sorrow.

"Just tell her already." Grumbles Jackson who's pain is etched in pain.

"You see.... Um... we're... mates you and I...." Leader whispers out very quietly.

Leader's Pov: I watch as Crystal's eyes went wide, she slowly started backing away. As my head went down, "if your going to reject me get it over with." I whisper out with a pained voice.

Silence is all I here except for Jackson's moans of pain. Minutes have gone by which felt like hours.

I finally look up after what felt like thousands of years have gone by. And what I see shocked me to my core. Her face showed no emotion as she muttered out in a strong voice, "I Crystal Sanguine future Queen of the witches, reject you."

Before Crystal could even finish talking, the doors soon are forced open, power radiating off the man storming into the room with eyes filled with anger. "You two need to hurry back now! A huge war has broken out and your mother Crystal, she knew this was going to happen its him its always him! That man who has no name is always wrecking havoc." Richard yells.

Thoughts? Ideas? I got pretty bad writers block right now, so anything helps. :)-Catmaster

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