Chapter 8

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Leader's Pov: "I've ran into so many of those beast it's not even funny. So many of them stole all my food money that I went hungry to the point of starvation." I say with a glare towards Niffler who all but grins my way. "You may be one of the last of you kind but I won't hesitate to send you flying out a window if I ever find you stealing my stuff, Niffler." I say in a very much of a warning voice.

"Anywho back on topic." The Queen says laughing nervously while giving Niffler orders to stay out of trouble as he leaves. "You are now free my dear and so are your friends. For now you three can stay here until things with you and Crystal are on okay measures. But for your friends safety and for them to move on from the past they must be placed in packs near by where they can start fresh. That was the deal the werewolf king and I have made. Your friends are now friends of us witches and are allowed to come on our land to come see us or just you whenever they so wish." The Queen rants.

Looking down, I remember the looks some of the witches gave the hatred she did this for our safety but also made so we could still see each other whenever we wanted. "I understand and thank you for making it possible for us to still see each other. But what happens if she doesn't accept me? Where will we go?" I ask.

"Well my dear I prefer not to answer that question but the second question where will you kiddos go. Well you see the werewolf king pacifically said if you needed a home he'd find you a home or even put you in his royal pack." The Queen whispers out with a distant look.

"Okay... so I guess i'll wait till then."

"Hmph... that just may work..." The Queen whispers under her breath. Looking over to her I get one look into her eyes and I swear I saw a mischivious child for a second their.

"Uhhh?? Mind speaking your mind here, you got me utterly confused." I ask a bit curious.

"Oh yes yes yes. I'm going to send you and Crystal go on a little mission for me." She says cheerfully with hope.

"WAIT A MINUTE! I DID NOT AGREE TO THIS! MOTHER!!! MOTHER!" Crystal yells at the top of her lungs. Furry in her eyes as she spoke.

Looking between Crystal and the Queen, I notice the Queen is keeping her cool but yet when you look into her eyes, it's like a demon is living inside her. But Crystal it's pure anger, like a beast who's never been told what to do since birth.

"You're going and that's final, Leader is going along with you. It's best not to travel alone these days." The Queen says calmly.

"Fine whatever. Let's get going then. Faster we get this done, the better." Crystal says in a huff of anger with a glare towards me.

Sighing heavily, "Okay let's go then, we got along way to go." 

Once out of the castle walls, I finally take in a breath of fresh air. "Ah I missed the fresh air. It's been so long," I whisper to myself.

"If you miss it that much why don't you live outside then." Crystal murmurs with a slight glare.

"You'll never change." I whisper.

"Let's get moving, faster we move the faster we'll arrive to our destination." Crystal murmurs while walking.

After hours of walking with absolutely no talking. I'm soooo bored.

"Crystalllllllllll. Can we at least chat about something. It's to quiet...." I groan.

"And for the thousands time no. Even if we're travelling together doesn't mean we need to talk. I prefer not talking to you anyway." Crystal groans in annoyance.

"Ugh, you're the worst travelling companion ever." I grumble out.

"And so are you. I can feel your eyes staring holes through my head. We'll rest for the night, when we can find somewhere suitable." Crystal mumbles in thought.

"Okay..." I mumble in response. Looking up towards the darkening sky. I remember some of my past I walked away from. That man's face... i'll never forget. But I do

still hate the dark.

"You okay? You got this very distant look in your eyes. Your eyes show such fear." Crystal says stopping to turn and look at me.

Looking back to Crystal, "I just hate the dark. All it has brought me is pain and suffering." I whisper.

Crystals hums in response, with a curious look in her eyes. "I won't question you about your past, but if you ever need someone to talk to... just know i'm here. I do understand, I to have a past full of pain." Crystal murmurs.

"Thanks for not pushing me to tell... I prefer to keep my past buried deep inside my memories, locked and never to be open again. Someday I may tell you all that has happen to me, during my childhood. That is, only when i'm ready and if you accept me. We should keep moving, faster we find a cave or somewhere to sleep for the night the better." I murmur, looking back towards the sky, which now litters with stars all over.

~~~~Flash back~~~~

"Ah my sweet little princess. Common lets go pick up daddy." Mother whispers hugging me.

As we walk towards the pack house, everyone around bow their heads in respect, towards my mother and I. Walking in the big building immediately father rushes out of his office towards us hugging us with a big bear hug. "OH my beautiful girls, how I've missed you." He chats in a cheerful voice.

 Thoughts? Ideas? I love to hear others ideas.-Catmaster

One last thing, certain cats of mine wanted to say "Hi!" :)
~Oreo and Shadow~

One last thing, certain cats of mine wanted to say "Hi!" :)~Oreo and Shadow~

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