chapter five- trouble

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Chapter five- trouble

                I jump out of Jax's arms. My aunt stands at the doorway of our house. I feel my heartbeat in my throat. This cannot be good.

"Um," I stammer, feeling the need to vomit. "I thought you were working tonight?"

"I was," she says, her tone hard. "They let me come home early, since you were sick, and all."

I have no idea what to say.

She steps outside. "Who are you?"

"My name's Jax," he says, smiling at my aunt. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"So, you've been seeing him?" my aunt asks me, her tone is light, but I know as soon as soon as Jax leaves, my head will be on a platter.

"No," I start. "It's a long story."

"Do I know you?" She asks him.

"I moved here a few weeks ago," he says coolly. "I doubt it."

"Jax," she mumbles, as if trying to remember something. She shakes her head, then tells him.  "Thank you so much for bringing my niece home."

"Not a problem," he tells her. "I'm glad to return her in one piece."

My aunt smiles, and grabs my arm with a death grip. She turns to me and says, "Inside. Now."

I wave bye to Jax, and my aunt practically drags me inside. As soon as she shut the door, I try to explain. "Aunt Lily I'm-"

"Not a word," she says, angrily. "Is this what you do every time I have an overnight? Get piss fucking drunk?"

"No," I snap. "God, it's one fucking time!"

"I've taken care of you for the last seventeen years," she yells at me. "And you repay me by going behind my back, and lying to me!"

"I didn't ask you to take care of me!" I say, sounding like a complete brat.

"God, I hate teenagers," she snaps, to no one in particular. "You could've gotten seriously hurt. I didn't raise you to be this careless!"

"I was fine, Lily!" I shout back.

"No, you weren't, Kai," she snaps again. "You're completely drunk, and worse, you lied to me."

"I didn't lie," I retort. "I just simply didn't tell you about everything."

"Lying by omission, Kaiya," she replies. "How long have you been seeing this boy?"

"I'm not dating him," I tell her. "I'm just friends with him."

"What I saw in the driveway didn't look like 'just friends'!"

"You don't know a thing, Aunt Lily," I snap. "Stop freaking assuming shit!"

"In case you didn't know," she snaps back. "It's my job to assume. Your parents are gone, Kaiya. It's my job to protect you, and right now you're making it extremely difficult."

"I don't need you to protect me," I incredulously say. "I'm an adult; I know how to take care of myself."

"No, you really don't." she retorts.

I let out a frustrated cry, and bolt up the stairs. I slam my door shut and flop on my ebbed. I start sobbing. I don't know if it's from being drunk, or angry. I cry myself dry, and get pulled into a deep sleep, falling back into one of my dreams.

I'm not in the castle this time. I am in a dark forest. The moon beams brightly overhead. The light shines through on evergreen trees. In the background, I swear I hear the sound of traffic. It doesn't make sense, though. We're in the middle of the forest, how can I be hearing cars?

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