chapter fourteen- rise

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Chapter fourteen- rise

Ursula charges straight for me, naturally. I use my small stature to my advantage. I duck and dodge her attacks. I take a swipe at her with the black dagger, and I miss. This only pisses her off more, making her more dangerous. She lunges for me again, and this time her knuckles impact with my already sore cheek.

I slash with the blade again, this time slicing her forearm open. She cries out in pain, the looks at me with eyes of pure black. She pulls out her own black dagger. Being half-demon, I'm sure that the dagger will kill me if I'm stabbed. This makes the fight a little more nerve racking, to say the least.

She lunges at me, and I side step her attack. I look over at Jasper. The sick fuck is smiling, like he enjoys the battle scene laid out before him. Demons truly live up to their name. Ursula takes a jab at me, sending a thin slice through the palm of my hand. It stings like a bitch.

She laughs. "Not so tough now, are you bitch?"

"I can do this all day." I reply.

I sock her straight in the nose. A third demon comes up from behind me, and grabs me. I kick out, striking Ursula. I sink my teeth into the arm of demon number three. He momentarily drops me, and I take that time to kick him right where it counts.

Who ever said boys were tougher than girls?

Ursula charges at me once more, and lands a kick in to my thigh. The third demon knocks me to the ground. I kick out, striking one of them. In a flash, a feel a burning pain singe through my thigh. I look down, and a black dagger has been lodged into me.

Ursula yanks it out, and her mouth forms a big grin as she raises her arm to end me.

Within a flash, she's been tackled. Jax decks her, and wrestles the knife out of her hand, and within a moment, her own knife is driven into her heart. She cries out, then her body goes limp. I use the moment of shock to pull out my black dagger, and sink it into the calf of the third demon. He falls to the ground, and I'm about to end him as well.

"Drop it!"

I turn around, and see Jasper holding a gold sword, one with jagged edges to Jax's neck.

The blade that can kill angels.

I drop my blade, and the demon instantly rises and restrains me. His hand is knotted in my hair, pulling harshly at my scalp. Maybe Kira was right about the shaved head thing.

"Either you come with me," Jasper starts. "Or I slice his head off."

In that moment, the road was dead silent. A light snowfall has begun, chilling the air that's so heated with violence. The trees even seem too silent. Not a wisp of wind flows through them. There isn't even a choice for me to make.

"Okay." I say, defeated.

"Kai, no!" Jax exclaims.

"Silence," Jasper snaps, pressing the blade further into Jax's neck. "I'm getting the impression your loyalties aren't with the demons, though."

My heart begins to pound. Louder. Louder. "Obviously not."

"Maybe if all your angel connections were gone," he ponders, glancing at the angel killing blade. "You'd be less resistant."

Louder. Louder. Louder. "What do you mean?"

"I think you know."

My head turns into cranium soup, and I explode. My telekinesis is back in full swing, and it's better than ever. I rip the sword from Jasper's hand. His mouth is wide open.

"No, Jasper," I insist, my voice sounding echoed. "I really don't."

"Kaiya," he nervously says, backing away. "Think about this."

The remaining two demons charge for me. With my other hand, I knock them back. They go flying into trees. They must be knocked out, because they make no attempt to rise.

"Kai," Jax's voice says, softly. "It's okay."

"I know," I say, a grin across my face. "I'm in control."

"If you let me go," Jasper pleads. "I'll leave you alone. I promise."

I couldn't risk it. My head feels like it's on fire. Something deep inside me awakens. It's something old; something primordial. I feel like my very being is tainted with the sinister feeling. I can't give it up. If I give it up, I lose my power.

"I'm sorry," I apologize, but it lacks meaning. "I really wish it didn't have to be this way."

With the thought of it, I telekinetically raise a black dagger, plunging it into his heart. He cries out, and clutches his chest. He falls to the ground with a thud. Lifeless.

I fall to my knees. Jax rushes over to me.

"Kaiya," he says, his voice to the brim with panic. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I mumble. "I'm fine."

I look down at my gushing leg. My pants are soaked through with blood. I begin to worry that Ursula had hit an artery.

"I guess the demon knife works on me after all." I joke.

And that's the last thing I say.

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