Chapter twelve- vacancy

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Chapter twelve- vacancy

            We pull off to a random motel on the side of the road. It looks kind of sketchy, honestly. But, I imagine 'sketchy' is the perfect place to hide. Jax and I borrow Abe's car to pick up some food, after much complaining from Tania about how hungry she is.

            "What's your favorite food?" I ask Jax, as we mosey down the aisles.

            "Huh," he laughs. "I've eaten many things, it's hard to say."

            "I guess that's understandable."

            "What about you?" He asks.

            "Hmmm," I start, a mental image of all my favorites comes to mind. "My overall favorite food is pancakes, but if I have to have a non-breakfast food, I'd have to say pizza. My favorite fruit is a mango. Coffee is my favorite drink, and pie is my favorite dessert."

            "I'll make a mental note about that for our next date." He tells me, and flashes me a smile.

            "Next date," I repeat. "I thought you were going to abandon me after you got me to the angels."

            "Not a chance, sweet thing," he says. "Although, I'll probably be getting in a fuck load of trouble."


            He picks up a package of Oreos. "Because I'm the one who turned you into  King Lenard."

            "You don't have to tell them that." I point out.

            "They probably already know," he admits. "Angels are very resourceful."

            "Do you think my aunt will be there?"

            "She might," he says. "It would've been the smart thing to do."

            We stroll through the isles in silence for a moment. "Jax."


            "Thank you."

            We head back to the motel, and Tania starts digging through the bags. She squeals when she finds the Oreos, and begins eating. She pulls out a couple, and munches happily. Rhine goes over and lays her head on Tania's lap, begging for a cookie.

            "How did you guys manage to sneak this thing in here?" Tania asks, nodding at the hellhound.

            "A little mind magic." Jax replies.


            "Do you guys have special powers, like Jax?" I ask Abe and Tania.

            They both shake their heads. "Jax is a special child."

            "Hey," Abe adds in. "Maybe you'll develop a special ability, Kaiya."

            "She already has," Jax tells them. "Kaiya has visions."

            "No kidding," Abe says, a smile on his face. "What kind of things have you seen?"

            One of my recent visions come to mind. I had forgotten to tell Jax about it. "Actually, I had one about my mother recently."

            "What happened in it?" Abe asks.

            "I found out my grandmother is Queen Justine," I tell them. "You know, one of the queens of hell."

            "Holy shit," Tania gasps. "You got some seriously powerful demonic lineage girl."

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