Chapter seven- abomination

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Chapter seven- abomination

My breath catches in my throat, and Jax turns away from me. The king seems amused by my speechlessness. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. My world begins to crumble. I am not human. How can I be this?

"I know this is a lot to take in," King Lenard says, with forced sympathy lacing his words. "But I'm sure you'll come to see that I'm only here to help you reach your full potential."

"Stop," I say, and I step towards him. I make my words sharp as knives. "I will never be what you want. You'll have to kill me, first."

"I'm sorry it has to be this way, Kaiya," he says, solemnly. "I really am. However, you've given me no choice."

I suck in a breath, waiting for my life to end.

"Jasper," he calls, and the man appears by his side. "Take Kaiya to the cells. Perhaps some time there should give her time to reflect."

Jasper grins. He calls in two other demons, who grab me by my arms. I yank, swear, and I pull, and pull with all I have in me. I can't do anything. I am powerless. Apparently being a cross of angel, and demon does nothing for you. I'm dragged by my arms further down into the castle. They toss me into a cell.

I land on my butt in a dark, damp cell. There's black, metal bars, just like an old-fashioned jail cell you'd see in a movie. The floor is dirt, and it's also damp. Which means it's mud, I guess. Gross. It's cold in here. If I could see, I'm sure I'd see my breath. I wonder if angels and demons event felt cold. I stand up, and yank on the bars. It's useless. The rusty metal scraps at my hands and I yank and pull. I lift my leg back, and kick the bars.

"Shit!" I cry, reaching for my toes.

I probably should've known I was going hurt myself doing that. I call out a few times, but no one answers. I begin to panic that I'll be left to rot down here forever. What a horrible way to die, in the dungeon of a demon castle.

I do the only thing I can do: I scream.

I screamed myself to sleep. I don't have any dreams this time. No more scenes to answer my questions. I am alone with the sound of water dripping through the pipes. I don't want to cry, I can't cry. I refuse to be weak. I must find a way to escape.

"Kai?" Someone whispers.

I bolt upright. It's pitch black in the cell, I can't see who it is. "Who is it?"

A lantern lights up, illuminating the cell in a red glow. It's Jax.

"Fuck off," I tell him. "I don't want to see you. Not like I can, anyways."

"Kaiya," he hisses. "I don't have much time; I want to give you some answers."

"Fine," I snap. I crawl over to him at the bars. "Start talking."

"What Lenard said was true," he tells me, furrowing his brow . "You're half-demon, and half-angel."

I nod, I was so hoping it wasn't true. "What happened to my parents?"

"Raveena died," he tells me, slowly. "And Iven is locked in the prisons up in heaven."

We hear a crash at the end of the hall, and both turn to look. Jax turns back to me and says, "I'm sorry, Kaiya. I have to go. I'm not supposed to be down here. If you agree to the king's wishes, they'll let you out of here. Take it, Kaiya."

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