Chapter fifteen- war

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Chapter fifteen- war

                A bright light pierces through my closed eyelids. I must be dead. Everyone always talks about the bright light, and here I am seeing it. I then, however, deduct that I'm not dead, because my leg hurts immensely where I got stabbed. You can't feel pain when you're dead.

I open my eyes. The room is bright, too bright. I push myself up. I look around the room; it looks like a hospital room. The only difference is that I can't see what lies beyond the door. It's locked and there aren't any windows. I can only imagine what I'd see on the other side. Or who took me: angels, or demons?

I look down at myself. I'm in a traditional hospital gown. I inch it up, and I see a bandage over where I got stabbed by the black dagger. I can only imagine what day it is, or how long I've been out. I inch my way off the bed. I rip IVs out of my arm, cringing while I do so. I try to hobble towards the door, but my injured leg gives out beneath me, and I crumble to the ground.

The door swings wide open.


"The one and only, honey," she says, a bright smile on her face. "And you're on the ground."

"You're okay," I mutter in relief. "What happened?"

"I held the demons off with my witch mojo," she explains, bending down to help me up. "It got bad, and I wasn't going to be able to hold them off much longer. I used the last of my energy to transport myself out of there."

"Oh, thank God," I sigh, I pull her into a hug. "I was so worried."

"I ended up on a frozen pond," she says, returning my hug, tightly. "And there were cows everywhere."

"Where is everyone?" I ask, scared of the answer.

"Abe and Rhine made it here safely," she begins. "They alerted the angels, who tracked down you and Jax."

"Where is he?" I inquire, panic in my voice.

Her face falls. "Kaiya, I'm so sorry..."

Oh. God no. I begin to cry, my breathing halts-

"You are so in love with him," She says, rolling her eyes. "I'm fucking with you; he's fine."

"I will kill you!" I exclaim, but it lacks conviction, and I laugh.

"Let me get one of the doctors," she laughs back. "I'll be right back."

I wait for the doctor while sitting in the hospital cot. An angel doctor, huh? It's a strange world, indeed. Within a few minutes, an angel with a clean, slightly baby-looking face walks in. He looks like a normal, human doctor. He's wearing a lab coat and smells like sanitizer.

"How are you feeling, Kaiya?" he asks, and grabs my head for examination.

"Fine," I tell him. "Besides the stab wound."

"Besides the stab wound," he repeats with a smile. "Well, you seem to be recovering at an accelerated rate by human standards. I'd say that you should be up and walking around within a few days."

This makes me smile. "Thank you."

"I'll have your friend come back with a wheelchair," he tells me, with a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "That way you can visit with your other friends."

My smile turns into a grin. Within a few moments Tania walks back in with a wheelchair, and a grin. She helps me in to the wheelchair, and wheels me into the hallway.

"Watch it, folks," She shouts. "Precious cargo coming through!"

The rest of area looks like a hospital. Nurses in scrubs, and doctors in lab coats walk around, all smiling. Tania takes me into the lobby.

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