Chapter eight- fists

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Chapter eight- fists

The training goes on for days, and days. I begin to lose count of how long I've been at the castle. My body is constantly being pushed to the brink of collapse. Each day I'm pushed to run faster, and longer. Pushed to lift more and more. I begin to wonder how much more until I either die, or my supernatural abilities kick in.

Jax never told me why I have to keep my inabilities a secret. I still can't trust him, not yet anyways, but I do trust an angel over a demon. I mean, come on. They're demons.

I'm standing back in the training room. I'm alone right now. It's locked so I can't try to run. Trust me; I've tried. I take a closer look in the mirror hanging on one end. My eyes are sunken in slightly, like I haven't slept much. I've lost quite a bit of weight, though. Where I was once soft and squishy, I begin to harden. I always told myself I should get in shape, but doing it like this isn't exactly what I had in mind.

"Morning, Kaiya." Jax greets me.

"Morning." I mumble back, and turn away from my reflection.

He begins to walk towards me. "You look sad."

"Really?" I gasp. "I wonder why."

For a second, he looks like he's pitying me. The look quickly fades. "You're capable of more than you know, Kai."

"I just want to go home," I mumble, then turn my eyes to meet him. "What's the plan for today?"

"Well," he starts. "I figured I'd put you through a test, of sorts. Just to evaluate your progress."


"It won't be in here," he tells me, and nods for me to follow him. "Come with me."

When we exit the training room, another demon follows us to the 'test'. We reach another room, and when Jax flicks on the light, I feel like vomiting on him. What lays before me is a setup like something straight out of American Ninja Warrior. Ropes and ladders, and moving shit. Except a thousand times more intense. There's literal blades spinning from some of the obstacles, and there's a whirl pool.

I can't even swim.

"This is the course all demon soldiers must pass to be deemed fit for battle," He explains. He must notice the look on my face because then he adds. "Don't worry, I won't turn in on. I'll let you run through it stationary, just to get a feel."

And with that, he goes towards a fuse box, and pulls a lever. The obstacle course of death hums until there's silence. Everything is still, and the whirlpool stops spinning. Maybe I could do this.

"Is there a time limit?" I question.

"Nope," he tells me, shaking his head. "Just try to complete it as fast as possible. "

Alright, at least there's no time limit. I stare at the straight away in front of me. I have to pull myself up a ledge first, then monkey bar my way across a ten-foot gap. If the course was turned on, every few bars would have guillotines coming down from them, chopping anyone who is too slow in half. If you dropped, the whirlpool would drown you.

Thank God this isn't on.

I guess being in the demon army is a lot harder than I imagined. I picture Kira and Lora pushing through this course, although I imagine them being able to complete this blindfolded . I square up myself, jumping a little in place. I can do this.

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