Chapter ten- angel in hiding

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Chapter nine- Angel in hiding

I'm thrown back into a muddy, cold, disgusting cell. I want to scream, and kick something. When I get out of here, the first thing I am going to do is rip Jasper limb from fucking limb. My blood burns through my veins. I'm melting with anger.

I shiver at the cold temperature in the cells. All I'm wearing is a tee shirt, and cotton shorts. A drop of water splashes on my head, sending a surge of pain down my spine. The temperature must have dropped since King Lenard sent me down here. I wouldn't put it past Jasper to crank up the AC to add extra torment to me. I'm probably going to catch pneumonia down here.

I lay my head down on my arm, and I try to go to sleep, because maybe a vision-dream thing would help me. I don't even sleep when I'm spiraled into a vision this time.

I'm in another stone laden hallway, but this time the stones are red. Not gray. Not like King Lenard's castle. I follow the path of the red stone corridor. It opens into an enormous auditorium. There's Benches made of black marble. Each row is curves, and each next row is a step down from the previous. There's a woman in a black dress at the center stage. Another woman, one with hair of pure silver, is with her.

Like my previous visions, the faces are fogged over. A thick black mist obscures all features. I walk down the steps until I can hear their conversation.

"You were always my favorite," the woman in the black dress says, and I immediately recognize her voice as Queen Justine's. "I always went too soft on you."

"Mother," the silver haired girl replies, she sounds young, only about ten. "I said I was sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Enough," Queen Justine cuts the young girl off, holding up a hand. "If you can't handle the mission, we will wait until you are older."

"Mother, I'm ready!" the girl cries.

"I said enough!" the queen bellows.

The silver haired girl quiets down.

"You will go back to basic training," the queen states. "After fifty years, you should have been prepared."

Fifty years? The girl sounds so young, though. But then again, Jax did mention that demons age a lot slower than humans. Kira and Lora are testaments to that.

"I'm sorry I disappointed you, mother." The girl whispers.

"Don't be sorry," the queen says, cold as ice. "Just get it done right next time, Raveena."


I launch myself up. I crawl over to a corner, and I vomit. Queen Justine had called that little girl Raveena. My mother's name. If I was having the vision, it most likely meant that the little girl was, in fact, my mother. Which means a Queen of hell is my freaking grandmother.

My family tree just continually gets more and more fucked up, doesn't it?

And what was with me not having to sleep? Previously all my visions came in the form of dreams. As in, I had to be asleep. I wasn't asleep this time. Had I done anything different? Maybe my visions work the same way as my powers; I get extra surges during times of stress.

Either way, I'm thoroughly freaked out now.

I can't tell what day it is, or how many days I've been down here. I haven't gotten any food, or water. I truly believe I am dying. I weakly push myself up, and try to stand. My knees give out beneath me, and I begin coughing.

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