Chapter eleven- scars

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Chapter eleven- scars

After the discovery of my super strength, we all pile back in the range rover. Rhine insisted on laying in the back seat with Jax and I, instead of in the way back. She promptly started licking his face.

"Getting some action back there, Jax." Tania teases.

"Already did," he fires back, and winks at me. When he sees my face, he adds. "Relax I'm joking."

"Wait are you two-" Tania starts, then shakes her head "Never mind."

"We're almost outside the Catskills," Tania informs us. "We should stop here for the night. I have to stock up on some stuff anyways."

Rhine turns around and lies down on me.

"Maybe we shouldn't go there," Abe mumbles. "There's sometimes demons there, too."

"Where are we going?" I ask quizzically.

"In the mountains," Tania begins to explain. "There's a huge store ran by a family of witches. It's got everything and anything that people in our world needs."

"Huh, witches," I repeat. "Are witches like, evil, or friendly?"

"Remember that witches are still human," Jax reminds. "And humans can be either good, or bad. It's basically up to chance."

"Oh, lovely," I mumble. "So, what do you need from a witch store?"

"Well, I'm a witch," she confesses. "After I fell, I didn't like being without power, so I became a witch. It's nothing like what I had before, but it can come in handy."

"This is our exit," Abe says, merging off the interstate. "I'm sure she'll be fine with the three us. We'll only be there a moment, okay Tania?"

We drive down side roads for a while, until we reach a long road made of gravel. It seems to never end. I guess if you're a witch who runs an armory for celestial beings, you probably want to be discreet. We end up pulling up to a small shack.

"Tania," I say. "I thought you said it was huge."

"No, honey, that's what boys say," she wickedly says, and winks at me. She then adds, "Relax I'm kidding. It's underground."

We get out of the car, and all four of us head in. I turn to Jax, and ask, "Are dogs allowed in?"

"Hmm," he says, looking at the hellhound. "She can just eat them if they have a problem."

Rhine wiggles in agreement. We descend down a dark stairway, until we the bottom. Tania was actually right; this place is pretty big. It looks like an underground Walmart, but filled with creepy shit and weapons, instead food and TVs.

"So, what are we here for, again?" I ask, getting mildly weirded out by the place.

"I need some power-up stuff," Tania explains. "There's certain crystals, and stuff, that can enhance power temporarily. It's all very complex stuff, but when you've been doing this for as long as I have, it's pretty easy."

"Hey," Jax grabs my arm. "I need to show you something."

"So," I say, whilst trying to keep up with his fast pace. "Where do witches come from, how does a human become one?"

"It's a complicated process," he tells me. "You have to have a predisposition for it, not every person off the street can become one. The first witches were trained by demons, which is why 'witch' has a negative connotation to it."

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