Chapter nine- stronger

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Chapter nine- stronger

My head spins back into reality. I'm staring at the ceiling of the room the king gave me. That must mean I'm not dead. I can't tell if that's a relief, or a terror.


I try to sit upright, but my entire body aches. I look at my arm. There's an IV inserted in my vein. I let out a whimper.

"Kaiya," Jax rushes to me, and strokes my head. "You're awake."

"Hmm," I groan. "How long was I out?"

"Five days."

"Five days?" I exclaim.

"Careful," he instructs. He helps me sit up, his arms still surrounding me. "You're still in bad shape."

"Jax," I breathe. "What happened?"

"It seems you were able to tap into your powers," he explains. "But physically you can't handle it. You blacked out."

"I'm a monster." I whisper.

"Kaiya, no," he exhales, and pulls me in to a gentle hug. "You aren't the monster; the king is."

"I need to leave," I whisper again, hearing his heartbeat against my ear. "I can't stay here."

"Soon," he promises, and plants a kiss on the top of my head. "I'm going to get you out of here, just give me a little more time, sweet thing."

"Jax," I sigh. "I hope I can trust you."

He holds me tighter. "You're still on bed rest, for another week at least. I convinced Jasper to let me take care of you."

"What about the king?" I ask, the words bitter on my tongue.

"He's going to be gone on business to another part of the world," Jax tells me, his tone sharp. "All he could do for the past few days was rave about how you are going to be his perfect weapon."

"Motherfucker." I mumble.

"If I ever get my grace back," he decides. "The first thing I will do is take that blade and slice his head clean off."

"Jax," I begin. "Why don't any of the other angels do something?"

He shakes his head. "They can't find this place. Even after we leave, the doors to the castle will teleport to another location. It's nearly impossible to enter here twice."

My heart flutters when he says we'll leave. "That time can't come fast enough."

I try to fight the exhaustion, especially learning I've been out for five days, but I find myself drawn back into the comfort of sleep.

When I open my eyes, I'm not in the castle. I don't know where I am. I seem to be in a desert of sorts. The dry land beneath my feet is cracked. There is a few shrubs surrounding me, but they lack any color. Everything around me seems to be a shade of orange or brown.

The sky overhead is stormy. It looks like it'll rain. I'm sure this parched landscape could use it, but the rain doesn't come. I see lightning strike the ground in the distance. Something tells me to go to it. Without thinking, my feet begin to move towards the storm.

I wake up, still in my nightmare of a situation. I didn't have any more useful dreams- or visions, whatever they're called. I look around the room. Jax isn't here. I sit up, and my body feels slightly less stiff than it did previously.

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