Chapter six- going down

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Chapter six- going down

I wake up. I slowly open my eyes. I see a stone covered ceiling, and I panic. The memory floods back to me. Jax. The tall man. I sit up, and notice I'm chained to a bed by my wrists, and my ankles. I yank, and yank, and yank. But all my efforts do it cut around my appendages. I hop of the bed as far as far as I can, and try to drag it behind me. It's no use; it's nailed to the ground. I let out a blood curdling scream.

"Oh," the tall man- Jasper, enters the room. "Good, the king will be back tomorrow, he will be so pleased to see you."

"Fuck you." I sputter.

"Now, now," Jasper says, tsking. "that's no way to speak to someone."

"You're a monster." I accuse.

"I suppose," he goes on. "By your definition, I am."

"What does that mean?" I snarl.

He laughs, stares at me, then his eyes turn sinister. "Why, haven't you figured it out?"

"No." I tell him, even though I have.

"Well, Kaiya," he says. "I'm a demon."

My heart stops. This can't be happening. "Demons aren't real."

"Oh, aren't they?" he asks, stepping towards me.

"What are you doing?" I ask, nervous.

"I'm disconnecting the chains from the bed," he explains, bored. "I've been told to show you around your new home."

"This isn't my home," I tell him. "It never will be."

"You say that now," he tells me, and leads by my chains through the doorway. "You'll come to see."

As soon as we're in the corridor, I use all my strength to sprint away from him. It's completely useless. He smirks at me, not even moving an inch. He must be crazy strong. I tug fruitlessly at the chains. He adjusts his glasses, and looks down on me. I continue to yank, and tug with all of my might. Again, it is completely useless.

"Are you done?" he asks, annoyed.

"Fuck you!"

"Anyways," he goes on, unbothered. "This is one of the hallways to the castle. It'll lead us into the main pavilion, follow me."

He yanks the chains, and I have no choice but to follow. The hallway matches the one in my dreams, exactly. "Where am I?"

"The castle."

"I meant location, motherfucker." I snap.

"We're located under New York City." Jasper replies.

New York City. We're not overly far from Aunt Lily. I can't help but wonder what she had to tell me, but at this point, I'm assuming she meant to explain all of this. I cannot fathom what demons would want with a pathetic excuse of a teenage girl, but maybe it's all down to the fact that they're evil.

I choke on the thought of Jax. His betrayal stings like razors against my skin. My hurt manifests into anger. Once I am free from these chains, and I will be free, I am going to promptly rip his head off. And then set him on fire, for good measure.

We arrive at what I assume is the pavilion. The ceiling is tall, I can't make it out. The pavilion is large, the pavement underneath is stone. It's got the same damp air as I recall the castle having in my dreams. Jasper mentioned we are under New York City. All of this must like pretty deep down, and I have trouble imagining that something this big could go unnoticed.

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