Chapter thirteen- snow angels

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Chapter thirteen – snow angels

            The next day we're driving on a back road. I don't know exactly where we all. There's a light snowfall floating down from the clouds. It's like driving through a winter wonderland. The rolling hills beside us are covered in crisp snow. The setting sun is illuminating the snow in a kaleidoscope of colors. We pull off into a city right on the border between Canada and the States. Instead of a motel, we find ourselves in a luxury hotel.

            We had to pull off the road early because even if we're angels, Abe insists we get me a passport to get into Canada. He says if Jax messes up the major amount of mind manipulation, it'll put us in too much danger. Jax of course, scoffed at Abe's statements. Either way, Abe knows someone who can get me a fake passport by dawn.

            I'd be lying if I said I didn't secretly enjoy the fact I'll get one more night with everyone.

            Tania and I's room has a balcony on it. I stand out in the crisp air. I feel the snow on my face, the serenity of the city lights against the dying of the sunlight. It all feels so poetic. For the first time in a month, I feel like everything is going to be okay.

            The radio comes on in the room.


            I turn around. Jax is standing in the balcony at the balcony door, leaning against the frame. His wild, black hair is a beautiful mess. His unshaved cheeks give him a rugged look. His eyes hold every storm in the universe. His smile is brighter than a million suns.

            He is truly the most beautiful thing I've seen.

            "You're staring." He states with a smirk.

            "Sorry." I say, blushing.

            The song changes to Amy Winehouse's Back to Black.

            "Want to dance?" he asks, a smile playing at his lips.

            "I don't dance."

            "I beg to differ."

            I roll my eyes, and stick out my hand. "Come on, then."

            He sweeps me up in his arms, and twirls me around. I look up at him, taking in those eyes. Something new blooms inside me. My insides turn pleasantly warm, like a summer's day. It is more than I could ever imagine. This feels exactly how the first warm day of spring feels, after a frozen winter. This is the ocean after a storm, and as the sun rises. His hands rest gently against my back. He leans down, and gently presses his lips against mine.

            This kiss is so much more intimate than the last ones. He pulls me closer, and kisses me harder. I kiss him back. His lips make my head fuzzy. I am in my own personal delirium, where the only thing that matters is Jax and I.

            I look up at him, and I give him the sweetest smile I can. He returns the smile. His lips find my cheek, and they linger there. His hands slide up and down my back, slowly. Shivers creep down my spine, despite my body being on fire.

            "Jax," I begin. "Why did you fall?"

            He looks away, I'm a second away from apologizing when he speaks, "Lust. But not lust like you'd expect. It wasn't a woman; it was power. Before falling, I was of higher-middle rank. I lead some of heaven's armies, but nothing big."

            "Okay." I nod.

            "I wanted more," he says, almost sad. "I wanted more power. Nothing would satisfy me. I ended up getting into a fight- a physical one- with an archangel. Then, my grace was cut out, and my wings ripped from my back."

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