Chapter Eighteen

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After reading the note, I made my way upstairs. I walked into my room to find Christy sitting on the bed. She was looking around the room, probably looking at the posters, quotes and drawings I had on my walls and stopped at me.

"Pretty nice room," Christy said.

"Thanks," I replied.

"So I take it you like Assassin's Creed a lot."

"What makes you think that?"

"Well, some of these drawings are the logos for the Assassin's Creed games, These quotes are from the main characters of the games."

"Well it's good thing you know about things like that."

"Yeah now it also explains the italian. Ezio was Italian and you're a little gaming nerd."

"That and my family on my mother's side is mainly Italian and French."


"So I might as well learn the language of my ancestors. Maybe if I'm lucky I will find something that tells me more about my family, probably will be in italian and french."

"You're quite the planner aren't you?"

"Oh you wouldn't believe it. My mother says I get it from her father's side, that and my height."

"Well that's very interesting."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"What you got in your closet?"

I looked at the closet in the left corner of my room by the edge of my bed.

"Well let me take a look," I said as I walked over to the closet.

I opened the door and looked at several hoodies and shirts hanging by hangers. I saw the two boxes I had gone through the night of Roman's death.I took out the yearbook and stashed it under a pile of clothes. I took out both boxes.

"These seem to be the only interesting things in here," I said.

"Ok, what's in them?" Christy replied with a question.

I open the first one and it was full of random stuff I had gotten over time. There was the arrowhead of the arrow I killed my first animal while bow hunting with my grandfather, bear claws, a rabbit's foot, a bandana, and other random things. The next box held the six throwing knives, the holster I had for them and spare keys to the shed out back. I put the holster around my thigh and put the knives in the holster.

"Wanna head out back with me for a second?" I asked.

"Sure," Christy answered. "You have a place out back for throwing knives?"

"Yeah it's my calming spot. Not that I really need it anymore."

"Oh really, is that so?"


"Why is that?"

"Well, because I have you and as long as I have you, I will always be calm."

"Aw, that's sweet."

Dude stop, Jason said as pretended to gag. This is making me wanna hurl.

Oh hush Jason, Jay said. Let them do and say what they want to do.

I'd rather we just get going and kill Frank.

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