2. New kid

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Mark's p.o.v
Ugh another day of hell, aka school. I get ready and try to tame the red beast atop my head. I walk downstairs and grab some coffee to keep me going.


I arrive at school and look at all the familiar faces but one sticks out to me someone with green hair.. that's new. I start to walk towards the school doors until I hear a small voice behind me. (You guys already know this). Seān that's an interesting name it really sutes Jack. "You can stick with me" I said with a wink. I watched as he turned red as a tomato. I internally smirked.


As the school day came to an end me and Jack part ways it was fun finally having someone to talk to but I'm sure as soon as he finds out I'm gay he'll leave me just like the others. I'll tell him tomorrow so I don't get too attached.

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