Chapter 26

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Y/n P.O.V

I haven't been talking to Tom in a while. Everytime he would come up to me I would leave. If he say 'hi' to me I would nod my head and go away. I couldn't put myself up to talking to Tom. I was in my trailer going over my lines with scarlett, when Tom came knocking on my door.

"Y/n I don't know why you've been avoiding me. Please let me fix anything that I did," Tom said stop knocking. I kept quiet and hugged my knees. 

Scarlett  looked at me and then the door and said," Y/n isn't here Tom she'll be here in an hour." We could hear Tom sigh and walk away.

"What was that all about?" Scarlett said tilting her head at me.

"...I just couldn't talk then and there...and everytime Tom comes around," I said looking down.

"Y/n you can't run away from your problems and be honest with yourself more often," Scarlett said with a smile.

"You know-" I was interuppted by Scarlett.

"That you like Tom, but that girl in that post likes him as well," She said completing my sentnce.

"Yes..," I said hugging my knees.

"Give him a chance Y/n," She said grabbing her script and going outside.

Maybe she's right.. I kinda just ran out of the place..

I went out of my trailer and walked on set because Tom was fliming his Spooder man part.

"Hey what's going on? Watching Tom I see," Robert said with a big smile. Oh my.

"Yes actaully. I have to talk to him afterwards," I put my hands on my hip.

"Ah, well He's about to get a break so goodluck," He said slowly backing away towards Chris's trailer. While I laughed at him when he turned around and ran.

Tom finally got his break, when he went off set I ran off to get him.

"Hey Tom, we need to talk," I said looking at his eyes.

"Um, yeah Y/n," He flustered at me talking to him suddenly.

"Look, I'm so sorry for acting like a huge child and not talking to you. I was just being immature," I said looking down.

"Y/n.. It's okay, I was probably being an idiot anyways,..I love being by you and your immatutity," Tom said with the most precious smile of all.

"Your always an idiot Tom," I said playfully hitting his shoulder and laughing.

"I should get out of this suit, and if you want we could go somewhere?" He said rubbing his neck.

"Love to," I said with the biggest smile watching Tom leave.

Sorry I didn't update sooner. I'm kinda clumsy and broke everything lately XD. Cya later!

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