And So It Begins

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Veronica's POV
"Who has a party on a weekday?" Cheryl asked.

I wasn't paying attention. All I could think about was the kiss between me and Archie.

He wasn't drunk. Which makes me ask, why me? Out of all people, why would he chose a girl who barely gets picked to answer a question?

"V!" Cheryl yelled.

"Wha-" I said as Cheryl touched her forehead.

"Pay attention. I don't like yelling when I'm hungover. It hurts my head." Cheryl said.

"Why are you at school when you're hungover?" Jughead asked.

"My mom made me come in punishment for missing her meeting with her lawyer." Cheryl replied.

"Why is your mom meeting with her lawyer?" I asked.

"She's divorcing my dad." Cheryl replied.

"No offense, but I'm happy for her. Whenever he stared at me, I felt like he was going to murder me." I told Jughead.

"How many drinks did I have?" Cheryl asked.

"Nine?" I said, acting like Cheryl from yesterday.

"Why are you saying it like it's a question?"Cheryl asked.

"Because we don't exactly know." Jughead replied as me and him laughed.

"Whatever. I'm going to the bathroom to throw up and scream." Cheryl said as she ran back inside.

I went back to eating my lunch. Jughead was staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You seem distracted." Jughead replied.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"You're being quiet. You're letting me eat your orange slices which you never let me do and you're making that face when Brooke and Lucas started dating on One Tree Hill." Jughead explained.

AN: Ok but watch One Tree Hill. It's an amazing show.

"Well I'm not." I replied.

The bell rang and students were throwing out their stuff and heading back inside.

"Lunch is over. I didn't even finish my food!" Jughead complained.

I laughed and said, "You're most likely going to eat during Mr. Apa's class."

"True." He said.

I went to my next class, science. Which just so happened to be my only class that had Archie in it.

"Alright, everyone pick your partners. Today we will be dissecting frogs." Our teacher, Ms. Reinhart said.

I immediately ran to Archie's desk. Every girl in the class looked disappointed.

"I guess we're partners." Archie said.

"Yeah." I replied.

Ms. Reinhart gave us our frogs. We were silent for a couple of minutes and then I asked, "Why'd you do it?"

"Do what?" He asked.

"Are you serious?" I asked. I lowered my voice. "First, you kissed me. Then, you lied to me and said you were drunk when you weren't."

"How about we talk about this after school. My house." Archie said.

"What about Betty?" I asked.

"She'll be at cheerleading practice with your friend, Cheryl." Archie replied.

"Ok." I replied.

Time skip to after school.
I arrived at Archie's house. I have never been so nervous. I knocked on the door, my hand was shaking.

Should I just leave now? I thought.

I was about to turn around when Archie opened the door.

"Hey. Come in." He greeted.

"Hi." I greeted as I came inside.

I looked around. It was a nice place. Small, but nice.

"Just go upstairs to my room. First door you see. I'll be up in a minute." Archie said.

"Ok." I replied.

I went into his room. His room was a big mess. My organized self didn't like it. But I had to deal with it. This would probably be a quick 5 minute conversation. So I shouldn't be worried.

Except, I was. I was so nervous and worried. What would the conversation be about? Would he say he regrets it? I don't even know if I regret it.

Archie came into the room with a bowl of chips.

"I thought you would like these. So you would stop biting yours nails and chew on the chips." Archie said.

"Thanks." I replied. "So about the kiss-"

"I enjoyed every minute of it." Archie said.

I was shocked. I didn't know what to say, so I went with my first thing that came into my mind.

"What?! Archie, you have a girlfriend!" I exclaimed.

"I know I do! It just makes the situation worse!" Archie exclaimed.

We were silent for a moment.

"You know what's the worse thing about this?" Archie said.

"What?" I asked.

"That I like you, Ronnie. Ever since you came here. You're possibly one of the beautiful human beings I ever seen. And the one chance I thought we could be together, we can't." Archie replied.

"We could be together if you weren't taken." I responded.

"I know." Archie replied as he lays down on his bed.

I get up from the bed. I was about to leave the bedroom but an idea came into my mind.

"We could be together." I said.

"We can?" Archie asked.

"Yes. If you're up for a secret relationship." I replied.

Archie looked shocked. He was silent for a moment.

"Are you sure this is the only way to be together?" Archie asked.

"Unless you break up with Betty." I told.

"I can't do that." Archie responded.

"Then it's your only option." I replied.

"I'll do it." Archie said.

"Great." I said.

I was about to leave when Archie said this.

"Wait, Ronnie."


He pulled me into a passionate kiss. A minute later, he broke the kiss.

"First date Friday?" Archie asked.

"Pick me up at seven." I replied.

I left the house and went into my car.

"And so it begins." I muttered as I drove off.

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