thinking of you ≫ jancy

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thinking of you

o o o

Nancy Wheeler was standing by her window, staring out at the infinite stars that lit up the night sky. Her arms were wrapped around her stomach tightly, trying hard to make the sick feelings disappear.

It'd been a month since her little brother lost his best friend, Eleven, making the atmosphere around their house extremely solemn. Mike rarely ever left his room, and even when he did, his eyes were distant and lost. Nancy tried talking to him, but he never listened. His heart was far from healing.

Nancy, on the other hand, was the one forced to pull a brave face. She was still grieving over Barb, of course, but a week ago she decided to return to school. She knew that with all she'd been through, staying in bed and crying forever would be perfectly acceptable, but that wasn't an option for her.

She tried so hard to make everyone think she was okay, but in reality she was terrified. Sleep was almost nonexistent, because closing her eyes meant seeing that faceless monster again. She was exhausted and alone, pretending to be fine when she most certainly wasn't.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Nancy let out a shaky sigh. Maybe she wouldn't see it this time. Maybe she would be okay. Maybe that hideous thing would leave her alone for once.

Her breathing quickened as she thought about the demogorgon and the Upside Down. She tried to think of something else, anything else, but all she could see was that horrible creature, screeching and chasing her tirelessly. She wanted to open her eyes, make the images go away.

But there was no escape.

Nancy put her hands over her ears, desperate to drown out the sound of it's voice. She shook her head, and felt tears slipping down her cheeks. Why couldn't she make it stop?!

Nancy could see the demogorgon in her mind, chasing her through a dark empty room. The floor was wet, like she was running around in a giant puddle. The faster Nancy ran, the closer the demogorgon became. Soon it was right in front of her, gurgling and screaming. Nancy tried to cry out for help, but her voice was gone.

As the monster loomed over her menacingly, she fell on the ground and started to crawl away. Her attempts to flee were useless as the demogorgon grabbed her legs and pulled her towards him, his screams louder than anything she'd ever heard before. Nancy knew that this was the end. This was how she would die.

Suddenly, she heard a new voice inside her head. It was quiet, but she instantly knew whose it was.


As she looked around, Nancy realized that the monster had disappeared. Relieved, her heartbeat started to slow, and she let her hands fall to her sides. She was still trembling, but not as much as before.

"Nancy, it's alright," he said. "I'm right here."

Nancy smiled, the voice of Jonathan drowning out any signs of the monster she'd been so terrified of. She felt safe, almost like he was right there with her, holding her tight.

"There's that smile," Jonathan whispered, kissing Nancy's hair softly. "You can open your eyes, I'm right here."

Nancy's eyes fluttered open, surprised to find that Jonathan was really right there, sitting with her on the carpeted floor. 

"How... why are you... Jonathan?" she stammered, staring at him in disbelief.

Jonathan blushed, looking down at his lap. "I don't really know," he admitted. "I was sitting in my room with Will, showing him some of my new music. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I started thinking of you. There was this weird image of you and the demogorgon fighting, except this time you were in the middle of this black nothingness, and there was nowhere for you to run."

Nancy shivered. How had he known that that's exactly where she'd been trapped?

Jonathan looked deep into her eyes, all signs of shame now gone. "What happened to you, Nance?"

Nancy opened her mouth to answer, but closed it again. She wasn't ready to open up yet. Instead of speaking, she just shook her head.

Jonathan lifted his hand, wiping his thumb across her tearstained cheek. "You don't have to tell me anything," he said. "Not until you're ready."

Nancy nodded before burying her face in Jonathan's chest, feeling safer than she had in a very long time.

*hides face in hands and cries for all eternity*

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