truth or dare - part 2 ≫ jancy & mileven

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truth or dare - part 2

o o o

"I wonder how long it'll take them to realize we're gone," Nancy giggled, grabbing Jonathan's hand and leaning closer to him for warmth. Even though it was summer, the night air was still freezing cold.

"They probably won't even notice," Jonathan said. He looked down at his girlfriend and half smiled. "Well, Eleven might."

Nancy nodded. "Yeah, she's smart. And observant," she agreed. "I'm pretty sure Mike has a crush on her."

Jonathan tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. "Um, no duh," he laughed. "They've been dating for, like, a week."

"Ye- Wait, what?" Nancy stopped walking and stared at her boyfriend in disbelief.

"You... you didn't know?" Jonathan asked, surprised.

"No!" Nancy screeched. She started pacing back and forth, her feet crunching on the fallen leaves. "Are you sure? They're officially dating?"

Jonathan scratched the back of his neck and shrugged. "Well, that's just what Will told me..." his voice trailed off.

Nancy shook her head. "If they're really together, I'm gonna kill Mike for not telling me," she said. She rubbed her arms and shivered, suddenly remembering how cold it was. "Anyway, I guess that doesn't really matter right now. I should be worrying about where the heck you're leading me, not my little brother's love life."

Jonathan smirked and tugged harder on Nancy's cold hand. "Smart girl," he complimented. "You're a bit late, though."

Nancy squinted up at her boyfriend. "What do you mean?"

"I might've left out a few details on Mike's relationship with Eleven," he winced. "To distract you."

"Oh really?" Nancy stopped walking and glared at Jonathan. "Which details exactly?"

"Um," Jonathan hesitated. "The fact that they're not actually dating...?"

Nancy opened her mouth in shock. "Jonathan! Why would you make something like that up?!"

Suddenly, a pair of hands came out of nowhere and grabbed Nancy's shoulders, making her scream louder than when the Demogorgon had attacked them. "GET OFF ME!" she screeched, wiggling to get out of the thing's grasp.

"Nice to see you, too," a voice scoffed, quickly letting go of a terrified Nancy.

"STEVE?" she yelled, her fear replaced with fury. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE?"

Jonathan fidgeted with hands nervously. "I... asked him to come," he admitted slowly, wincing. Bad idea bad idea this was such a bad idea, he thought to himself.

"Yeah, you need to chill," Steve grumbled, rubbing his arms to keep warm.

"Jonathan!" Nancy cried, turning to her boyfriend. "Inviting Steve to come camping with us was your surprise?"

Jonathan shook his head defensively. "No! He was supposed to be setting up your surprise," he said, glaring at Steve. "I had no idea he was trying to scare us."

"It was funny though, right?" Steve laughed nervously.

Nancy was about to scold both of the boys again when, out of nowhere, Eleven appeared, followed by Mike. "Nancy, are you okay?" she asked, worry covering her features.

Nancy turned towards Jonathan, confused. He shrugged and held up his hands helplessly. She looked back at Eleven and crossed her arms. "What do you mean, 'am I okay'?"

Mike stepped forward, secretly grabbing El's hand and giving it a squeeze. "You disappeared while we were playing truth or dare," he explained. "Then we heard you scream."

"I was afraid it was the Demogorgon..." Eleven whispered, staring at the ground. She could feel tears gathering in her eyes, imagining the monster that haunted her dreams tearing her friends apart.

Nancy rushed forward and wrapped her arms around the small girl in a hug. "Oh honey..." she whispered, stroking El's short hair gently. "I'm right here, I'm okay." Her shoulders shook violently, the fear of losing the only family she ever had finally sinking in.

Nancy felt Jonathan walk up next to her and place his hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "Hey, I think we should show her your surprise," he suggested quietly. Nancy smiled at him and nodded.

o o o

"This is amazing," Eleven muttered, a huge smile on her face. She turned away from the telescope and grinned at Mike, her eyes twinkling. Mike let out a giggle and shook his head. She was so adorable.

The first stage of Jonathan's surprise to Nancy was supposed to be a romantic picnic with candles and rose petals, but Steve kind of failed at that part. The petals were scattered everywhere but the blanket, and the candles had all blown themselves out. The food, on the other hand, was still perfect.

The second stage of his surprise was supposed to be star gazing through Steve's huge telescope, and thankfully he didn't screw that up, too. It wasn't as romantic as Jonathan had hoped, since Mike had radioed Lucas, Dustin, and Will to join them in the clearing for food and staring at the sky.

Honestly though, Jonathan was happy as long as Nancy was with him. With her, everything was perfect.

As if she could read his thoughts, Nancy walked away from Eleven and towards her boyfriend. She stopped in front of him and bit her lip adorably, staring down at her shoes. "This was a really thoughtful thing to do, Jonathan," she said softly, finally looking up into his dark eyes.

Jonathan could feel his cheeks warming up from her intense gaze. Even though they'd been dating for a couple months, her beauty always seemed to make him breathless.

Leaning forward a bit, Jonathan let his mouth hover over Nancy's teasingly. "I'd do anything for you, Nance," he whispered, internally celebrating at how red her face had become. It was intoxicating to know how much of an effect he had on her.

"Just kiss me already," Nancy hissed, glancing down at his lips longingly. "Please."

Jonathan smirked and closed the distance between them, happy to oblige.

yuuuuuuup, this is absolute trash and i apologize for not updating quicker! my brain feels like a fried egg and i am starting to regret publishing this right when school started...

((but actually i'm listening to hamilton rn, so i'm not as stressed as usual))

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