love notes ≫ mileven

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love notes

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Mike was aware that everybody thought he had some sort of 'problem'. He knew that his friends and family were worried. They thought he was depressed or something, just because he avoided people and spent all his time in the basement.

Well, they were wrong. Mike was fine. The reason he didn't interact with anyone anymore was because he was working on something big. Something really big.

Mike knew that Eleven wasn't dead. He could feel it. If she were dead, he'd know. But sometimes, if he concentrated really hard, he could hear her. She was far away, and he couldn't make out any words, but it was enough. Her voice was enough to keep him going.

So now, after spending almost a month researching and experimenting, Mike was finally ready to test his theory. If it worked, he'd get the answers he needed. If not... well, he hadn't really thought that far.

Mile looked down at the piece of paper in his hand and swallowed nervously. This was his gateway to the Upside Down. This was how he'd find her.

Grabbing the blue marker to his right, Mike wrote down one simple sentence.

Are you there, El?

Mike waited. Nothing happened.

"Eleven?" he whispered. "If you can hear me, show me a sign."

Again, Mike waited. His heart was pounding, filling his eardrums with a loud thumping sound. He closed his eyes and imagined her pretty face, clean and smooth.

Opening his eyes, Mike spoke louder. "Please, El, I'm right here. If you can hear me, please come!"

All she needed to do was give him a sign. The flicker of a light. The sound of her voice. Anything.

"El! You have to come find me!" Mike was yelling now, spinning around in circles. "I'm over here!"

"Michael?" his mother called from the top of the stairs. "What are you doing?"

"I'm finding Eleven!" Mike shouted desperately. "ELEVEN! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!"

Karen ran down the stairs and grabbed her son by the shoulders. "Honey, you need to calm down."

"NO!" Mike cried, shaking his head crazily. "SHE'S OUT THERE SOMEWHERE!"

As Karen attempted to calm her son, Nancy and Ted ran down the stairs.

Ted stormed over to his son and grabbed his shirt. "You need to listen to your mother, Michael. Calm. Down."

Mike twisted out of his father's grip, his eyes wild. "NO! SH- SHE'S O-OUT T-THERE-"

Ted silenced his son with a smack across the face. "I said be quiet!"

"How could you do that?!" Nancy screamed, running towards her brother and wrapping her arms around him protectively. She looked up at her father, nothing but disgust written across her face.

As Nancy comforted a sobbing Mike, Karen fumed at her inconsiderate husband. "How dare you hit him like that?" she growled. "He is going through more than you and I have ever experienced, so you better treat him right, Ted Wheeler. Mark my words, I will divorce you before you touch him again."

Suddenly, as Karen rushed over to her son, the basement lights flickered. Her parents didn't think anything of it, but Nancy noticed immediately.

"Mike, I think she's here," Nancy said quietly. Mike paused, allowing silence to fill the basement. He turned his head toward the piece of paper, his panic replaced with hope. Sure enough, there was something new written. He ran over to the note, desperate to see what it said.

i am here mike

Mike covered his mouth and laughed. He couldn't believe it! After all this time, his Eleven was alive!

"What is that...?" Karen breathed. Mike had been so excited, he hadn't noticed the rest of his family hovering over his shoulder.

Nancy smiled, her eyes full of tears. "Eleven is alive. She's okay!"

Mike was barely listening as he scribbled down a longer reply.

El, I don't know how much you can read, but I need to tell you that I will never give up on finding you. Never. Ok? I promise, I will find you. I love you too much to leave you in the Upside Down. If you can get out, please try. I can't hold on much longer without you. Come back to me, El.

Mike held his breath. What if she couldn't answer anymore? What if he was just imagined everything? What if -

i love you too mike. i promise i will try

iwnejrizjsbwebjejsia this is so bad... uGh

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