telling lies ≫ mileven

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telling lies

o o o

"Mike, you are so in love with Eleven," Lucas laughed, shoving his friend forward. "Quit denying it, man."

Mike frowned and pulled his jacket around himself tighter. "Shut up, Lucas," he mumbled.

Dustin waggled his eyebrows at Lucas and mouthed the word 'guilty'. Lucas put his hand over his mouth to cover up his laughter.

"Come on, you idiots," Mike grumbled. "You're gonna make us late. Again."

Lucas walked faster, his head held high. "Let's go, Dustin," he said. "Apparently Mr. Perfect over here is too good for us."

"Yeah, we wouldn't want to get him in trouble or anything," Dustin exaggerated.

"Seriously guys, get over yourselves," Mike said, rolling his eyes. So what if he maybe had a tiny little crush on El?

Dustin looked over at Lucas and winced. Lucas sighed and turned towards Mike. "We're just messing with you, you know," Lucas admitted, giving his friend a sympathetic smile.

Mike narrowed his eyes at his friends. "Seriously?" he asked. Lucas and Dustin shared a quick look and nodded. Okay, maybe his friends weren't so horrible after all.

Shaking his head with a smile, Mike started walking again. "You guys are a piece of work," he laughed. Dustin and Lucas let out relieved breaths before following.

As the friends made their way to class, Mike thought about El. Everyone knew he liked her, so why did he always deny it? She was really important to him, and he'd hate to see her get hurt. After all, he'd finally gotten her back from the Upside Down.

He couldn't afford to lose her again.

o o o

"Mom, I'm home!" Mike called, dropping his backpack onto the floor and making his way upstairs. He was halfway up when his mom stopped him.

"Hey sweetie," she greeted, leaning on the wobbly banister. "How was school today?"

"It was good," Mike smiled. Ever since the incident with Will and Eleven, his mother had tried to be part of his and Nancy's lives more. Sometimes it could be kind of annoying, but it was nice to know she cared so much.

"You promise?" Karen asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Um..." Mike paused. Should he tell her about his feelings for Eleven? He knew it would be really awkward, but maybe she'd have some advice for him. "Actually, can I ask you something?"

Karen's face immediately lit up. "Of course, honey," she said. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Mike insisted. "I just... kind of... like someone," he blushed. Wow, this was a terrible idea.

Karen covered her mouth in excitement. "Oh my gosh! I knew it!" she gushed. "It's Eleven, isn't it?"

"Mom!" Mike groaned, his face bright red. He should've just kept his mouth shut and dealt with the problem himself. "You know what, never mind," he said quietly, turning away from his mom.

"Oh, come back Mike," Karen said, biting her lip. "I know this is probably weird for you to talk about, and I shouldn't have reacted the way I did." She looked up at her son with an apologetic smile. "What were you going to ask me?"

Mike looked down at her hopeful expression and sighed. Might as well get some advice while he had the chance. "I'm not sure if I should tell her how I feel," he admitted. "If I do, she might not feel the same way. If I don't, she could get hurt. So, um, do you know what I should do?"

Karen smiled. "You should tell her," she said.

Mike waited for her to say something else, but all she did was wink and walk away. Was that seriously the only advice she could give? It seemed way too... easy.

Walking over to the phone nervously, Mike thought of what he should say. Eleven might not understand the concept of "liking" someone, so he'd have to explain it to her. That wouldn't be too hard, right?

Mike picked up the phone and dialed Jim Hopper's number with shaky fingers. He waited as it rang, and held his breath when he heard the click of someone picking up. "Hello?" said a muffled voice.

"Hey there Hops," Mike gulped. "It's Mike."

"Oh, hi kid," Hopper said. "You wanna talk to El?"

"Yes please," Mike answered. His palms were really sweaty, and he kept having to wipe them on his jeans.

"Okay, I'll call her over," he said. "El, Mike's on the phone!"

"Mike?" a small voice asked.

Mike smiled. Her voice was so innocent, and it gave him the confidence to keep talking. "Hey, El. Can I tell you something?"

"Yes," Eleven answered.

"Okay." Mike swallowed. Nope, he was definitely still freaking out. "Actually, I just forgot. I'll have to tell you once I remember again."

"Mike," El pressed. "Friends don't lie."

Mike closed his eyes and sighed. Of course she knew he was lying. She was a lot smarter than everyone gave her credit for. "You're right," he said. "They don't."

"So tell me," El insisted.

"I like you," Mike blurted. It felt so nice to finally tell her.

"I don't understand," El said. Of course she wouldn't.

"It means I like you more than a friend," Mike tried to explain. "It means that I get a warm feeling in my stomach every time you're around, and I always want to be with you. I really like you, El."

Eleven was quiet a moment. Finally, she laughed.

"I like you too, Mike."

so so so so sososososososo sorry about how sucky this is... but at least you got mileven, so that's good...

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