holding hands ≫ jopper

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holding hands

o o o

Joyce Byers was sitting outside in her beaten up lawn chair, sipping coffee and watching the sun set contentedly. She smiled as she drank, thinking of how good her life was. She had two handsome boys, a wonderful house, and an amazing view. Nothing in the world could make her happier.

As she thought about everything that had happened the last few months, Joyce was surprised to see Jim Hopper driving onto her property. She quickly set down her mug and stood up to greet him.

"Jim, what brings you here this fine evening?" She asked, sliding her hands into her pockets and walking up to her friend.

Officer Hopper got out of his car and waved. Instead of his usual beige uniform, he had on a red plaid shirt and a pair of old faded jeans. He had on a nice leather pair of cowboy boots, and his hair looked soft and clean.

Joyce bit her lip. He looked good.

Jim closed the door to his car and smiled. "Hey there, Joyce. Just thought I'd come see if you and your boys were interested in having a bonfire tonight."

By that time, Will had already made his way outside. He looked up at his mom excitedly. "Can we, mom?"

Joyce laughed and ruffled his hair. "As long as you don't catch Jonathan on fire again," she teased.

"Mom, I was five!" Will groaned.

Jim chuckled and patted the boy's shoulder. "Nice to see you, too."

Will looked up, a sheepish grin on his face. "Hey there, Hops."

Just then, Jonathan peeked outside. "Mom, who's here?"

"It's just Jim honey, nothing to worry about," she called, grinning up at the tall police chief. "We're gonna have a bonfire!"

"Oh, okay," Jonathan stepped outside. "I'll be there in a second!"

"Oh hey, I just remembered!" Jim said. "I have some stuff for s'mores in my car. Jonathan and Will can go get them while we start the fire if that's alright with you."

Joyce nodded. This night really couldn't get any more perfect. "Jonathan, Will! Go get the food from Hop's car, okay?" she said. The brothers ran off right away, happy to help their mother.

Joyce turned back toward Hopper. Gosh, she really couldn't get over how handsome he looked. Finally, she couldn't hold it in anymore.

"You clean up nice, Hopper," she smirked, punching his shoulder playfully.

"Not too bad yourself, Byers," Jim retorted, crossing his arms over his chest.

Joyce snorted. Her, looking nice? Not true. "Yeah, okay. Real funny."

"No, I'm serious," Jim insisted, his eyes staring into hers. "You look really great tonight."

Joyce didn't know what to say. She let out a nervous laugh and blushed. Where were these new feelings coming from? She'd never really thought of Hopper in that way before.

Joyce looked up at her friend and smiled softly. "Thanks, Jim. That means a lot."

After a few intense seconds, Jim broke the silence. "Do you think we should start the fire now?" he asked.

Joyce smiled, still not breaking eye contact. "Yeah."

o o o

"This was a really great idea, Hopper," Joyce said quietly.

Will, Jonathan, Jim and Joyce were all sitting around a roaring bonfire. Will and Jonathan were competing to find out who could eat the most s'mores, and Jim was sitting close to Joyce, sharing a blanket with her to keep away the chilly air.

"Yeah, good ideas are my specialty," Jim bragged, holding a hand to his puffed up chest.

Joyce laughed, and gave him a small shove. "Oh, shut up."

They both chuckled, staring at the fire. As their laughter faded, Jim looked over at Joyce's empty hand. It was hanging on the arm of her chair, perfectly exposed for anyone to take. Without saying a word, he reached over and gently held it.

Joyce sighed and leaned her head against Jim's shoulder, her heart beating wildly. If this was how their friendship was going to be like from now on, she was ready.

i wish that the movie playing in my mind could magically turn into an understandable story, because omG THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER AHHJENEJIDKSWNEBISKAWJAHHHRKENEJDNENEWHAAHHHH

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