hot cocoa ≫ jancy

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hot cocoa

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Nancy grabbed her history textbook and pulled it out of her locker slowly, the weight of it making her grunt. She bent down and shoved it into her backpack quickly, making room for it next to her loose papers and notebooks. Even though everyone got a couple days off for Thanksgiving, her teachers still thought homework was necessary for some reason.

Nancy sighed as she zipped up her heavy bag, the assignments and due dates running circles around her mind. All around her, students were laughing and talking loudly. Nobody else was worried about homework, and she resented them all for being so unfazed.

"Hey, how's my girl?" someone said behind her, their hands shaking her shoulders lightly. Nancy instantly relaxed and turned, a smile taking over her face.

"You can't just surprise me like that, Jonathan!" she giggled, shoving his chest. He just smiled and shrugged.

"I can now, since we are actually dating," he teased, raising an eyebrow. "Isn't it my job to surprise you?"

Nancy shook her head and slipped her coat through her arms, still grinning. She picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder, suddenly reminded of how heavy it was.

"Let's just go, I have a ton of homework and I want to get it done before Thursday, if possible," she groaned, reaching for Jonathan's hand and lacing their fingers together. They started walking through the sea of people, rushing with the crowd to get outside as soon as possible.

"You're not seriously worried about homework, are you?" Jonathan scoffed, raising his voice to be heard. Nancy turned and gave him a pointed look, which he returned with an equally pointed one. "It's Thanksgiving break! You need to loosen up," he insisted, leaning closer to her ear as they walked.

"I know," Nancy mumbled, pulling on his arm harder since they were almost to the exit. "But I can't help it! I'm a perfectionist, you know this," she said.

"Yeah, but you need some time to chill," Jonathan pointed out. They had finally made it outside, and it was freezing. Nancy shivered. Jonathan frowned and brought her hand up to his mouth, blowing on it slowly. "You cold?" he asked, their eyes meeting.

Nancy smiled, a blush creeping up the back of her neck due to his warm breath on her skin. "Um, a little bit," she admitted, redirecting their hands so that she could kiss his. "But you always warm me up." She winked, making him blush, too.

Ever since they'd started dating, everything about life was better. They told each other the corniest things, and flirted all the time. They were way too happy to care what everyone else thought of them.

Jonathan cleared his throat and slid his hands into his pockets awkwardly. "Um, if you're cold, we can go somewhere to warm up..." he suggested. Nancy raised her eyebrows and leaned closer to him, their noses inches from touching.

"What exactly do you have in mind?" she teased, pulling his hands out of his jacket and swinging his arms around her neck.

"Oh my gosh Wheeler, I was suggesting we go get coffee or something!" he cried, shaking his head quickly and laughing. "I was not suggesting that we... that I..." he stopped and coughed. How was she so good at making him flustered?

"Relax, I was kidding!" Nancy insisted, wrapping her arms around his waist and giggling hysterically. Suddenly she lifted her head, a new expression on her face. "But it's still an option," she winked.

"Stop winking like that!" Jonathan groaned, lifting his face to the sky and grinning. She was absolutely perfect, he had to take a break every few minutes. "Let's just go to Monet's or something, I need my coffee," he said, still staring at the empty sky. There were no clouds. It was beautiful.

"Okay, you party pooper," Nancy grumbled, stepping away from her boyfriend and walking towards his car. "If you don't want to do what I suggested, you better hurry up before I leave you here," she called, opening the door to the driver's seat and sliding in. She lifted her hand out the window and shook a pair of keys, the metal jingling around in the air.

"Of course, that sneak," Jonathan muttered to himself, a smile spreading over his cheeks. He started running towards the car, his hand held out signaling for Nancy to wait. "If you leave me, I'm not buying!" he shouted, which stopped her from turning the key.

As he joined his girlfriend in the passenger seat, Jonathan leaned over and cupped her cheek before kissing her slowly. When he finally pulled away, both of their faces were warm. Nancy bit her lip.

"What was that all about?" she breathed, placing her hand over his.

Jonathan shrugged. "I just love you a lot," he smiled. He kissed her one more time before sitting back in his chair slowly. "Can we go to Monet's now?" he asked. "I'm still freezing."

Nancy laughed. "Yes, we can go to Monet's now," she said, turning the key and pulling out of the parking lot. As she drove to the small coffee shop in town, Jonathan randomly started spouting out Thanksgiving puns. After a couple minutes of pure agony, they finally made it.

"Now I'd love to tell you more Thanksgiving puns," Jonathan said, turning to face Nancy. "But I've already stuffed you with enough."

"Oh my gosh!" Nancy groaned, her head falling onto the steering wheel. "That was the worst one yet," she mumbled against the leather.

"Hey, I'm just feeling corny today," he shrugged, opening the door and sliding out before he could get anymore backlash. He walked around the car to Nancy's side and opened the door for her. They then walked into Monet's together, hand-in-hand.

"So what do you want to get?" Jonathan asked, staring at the small menu in front of him.

"Uh, hot chocolate," Nancy said, pointing at the picture of steamy, whipped cream covered cocoa.

"Wait, you don't even want coffee?" Jonathan laughed. "We could've just gone home and made cocoa, you know."

"But you can make coffee at home, too," Nancy pointed out, raising an eyebrow.

"Touché," he said, holding up his hands in surrender. "One hot chocolate it is."

As he started making his way to the counter, Nancy quickly reached forward and grabbed his arm. He turned and smirked.

"Change your mind?"

Nancy shook her head. "No, I just..." she paused. Jonathan looked so handsome standing there, a scarf wrapped around his neck and his hair messy from the chilly wind. "I just wanted to say I love you too"

Jonathan's smile widened, and he squeezed her hand.

"I know."

i finally wrote something new, are you guys proud??? i am obsesssssed with the holiday season, so you're probably going to get more cute christmas-y chapters in the future ;)) *if i find the motivation to write more**

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