Shocking Surprises

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Mason and I stand by Liam at the side of the field while Liam puts his lacrosse gear on. It's right before the game and Scott and Stiles have let Liam play as long as he doesn't flare up again.

"Are you sure you going to be all right?" I ask my twin as he pulls his jersey on. It's weird seeing him in burgundy instead of green on the field. "Cause we all know what happens when something doesn't go your way in the game, and this is against people you absolutely hate."

"I'm fine," he grumbles. "It's just a scrimmage."

"Just try not to get a red card," I tell him. And try not to kill anyone, I think, but I don't tell him since Mason is listening too.

"I won't," he huffs. He glances over at Brett across the field who's currently changing his shirt.

I feel my face suddenly feel hot. He notices us staring and winks at me. I look away, my jaw set, my eyes fixed on the bench next to me like it's the most fascinating thing in the world.

"I don't care I he's a foot taller than me," Liam states. "I think I could take him.

"No one is taking anybody," I tell him.

"Oh yeah," Mason says in a far off voice. I look up at my friend to see him staring at Brett, transfixed.

Liam notices too and glances in between him and Brett. "What are you doing?" He asks Mason with his eyebrows raised.

"Hm?" Mason snaps out of his trance and looks over at Liam. "Oh, I'm agreeing with you."

Liam glances back and forth again. "You think he's hot don't you," Liam accuses his best friend.

"What, no!" Mason quickly says, defending himself. "No... Yeah, a little."

"Unfortunately I have to agree with Mason. He is hot," I state. As if he was listening to our conversation, Brett's head snaps up glancing toward us quickly. "But he's an ass, I add.

"More like a hot piece of ass," Mason corrects.

Liam and I look at each other and I can't help but laugh at our crazy friend.

"He wants to destroy me," Liam says in a serious tone.

"I think you could definitely take him-" Mason states.

"Mason!" I say interrupting his bad encouragement.

"-and then give him to me," he adds.

I let out a laugh and so do Liam and Mason.

"Mason, your gay is showing," I tell him.

"So?" He shrugs. "I'm gonna get a good seat so I'll see you in the bleachers, Lils. Good luck Liam!"

He walks away from us, and I immediately round on Liam. "Don't try anything today. You still don't have control. If Brett says something to you, just walk away," I command, putting my hands on his shoulders and standing in front of him so we are eye to eye. "Don't hit him, don't growl, and please don't rip anyone to shreds with your claws. You'll probably ruin your gloves, get kicked out of this school, and maybe even get sent to Area 51."

He rolls his eyes at me. I notice out of the corner of my eye that Brett has halted his efforts of getting his gear on and is standing motionless with his head down.

Why do I keep getting the uneasy feeling that he's hearing everything we say?

I shake off my uneasiness and focus back on my brother.

"I'm serious, Liam," I deadpan. "I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Just try to stay calm and not have your eyes glow yellow. Also please watch out for Garrett. Don't let him get close to you."

Second Chances (Brett Talbot)Where stories live. Discover now