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True to my word, here I am heading towards the boys' locker room... after Mason literally dragged me up to the school after the game. I can't help it. I'm scared. I'm not really one for confrontation and this is a major one. I turn the corner to see boys from both teams already leaving the locker room and heading to their cars.

Oh shoot. What if he's already left?

No, he couldn't have. I would have seen him, because he would have needed to pass by me on his way out. Oh god he's still here.

I lean my back against the wall a few yards from the locker room and text Stiles to see if he's found Scott and Kira yet since they didn't show up to the game. Coach was pissed and blamed them for our loss.

Without really meaning to, I focus my hearing and listen to see if my brother is saying anything. Yes, I'm being nosy, but I'm really worried about him right now. His fears were only night terrors, but now, if he's getting them during the day, I don't know what I'll do.

"We lost," I hear Liam say.

"But are you okay?" I hear Brett's voice reply. Brett? Why would Brett and Liam be talking? They've never had a casual conversation. All their conversations have ended usually in Liam attacking Brett and ending up with a black eye.

"Why'd you do that?" Liam asks him. "Why'd you help me?"

"Because of Scott," Brett states. "He saved me. He saved all of us. Do you know how lucky you are?"

"What do you mean?"

"Scott's a true alpha," Brett tells him. "That means he didn't get his powers because he was born with it; not by stealing it or killing. He earned it. You're not strong cause you can lift a lot of weight now. You're strong because you endure. Satomi calls it strength of character. You're lucky to have him."

"Then why is he not here?" my brother shoots back.

It's silent for a bit until Brett speaks up. "I may not know Scott very well, but I can tell that he has a very good reason for not being here. You're his beta, which means you're like a son or younger brother to him like Satomi is like a mother to me. I know he will do anything to make sure you're okay. You just need to trust him."

It's silent again. "I think I can see why my sister likes you," Liam mumbles. I feel my face get really warm.

What the hell, Liam?

"Lily doesn't like me, Liam," Brett replies, quickly. "She's told me many times. I know she doesn't."

Oh, if you only knew why I am standing here right now.

"And I know my sister very well," Liam says. "Just don't hurt Lily. I know I don't really have a say, but I swear if you hurt her-"

"Relax, I would never hurt her," Brett cuts him off. "Besides, you don't need to worry. She's been avoiding me like the plague." His voice is dry and almost upset. I hear shuffling around and a bag being picked up. "See you around, Liam."

"See ya," Liam mumbles.

I hear footsteps coming closer to the door and I panic.

That's him. He's coming. Crap, what was I gonna say to him? How do I even start?

I see him step outside the locker room, running a hand through his messy curls. Damn.

I stand there trying to gather up the courage to open my mouth and make a sound to signal that I'm here. He turns his head and spots me a few yards away.

Second Chances (Brett Talbot)Where stories live. Discover now