I Like Him

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Life has gone back to normal somewhat. Well, as normal as it can be for a supernatural creature in Beacon Hills. The dead pool is over so my friends, brother, and I are not being hunted, so that's a plus, but nightmares are still plaguing my twin's sleep. There are bags under his eyes and he's extremely jumpy even in the middle of the day. Mason can even tell something is wrong with him.

I'm doing a bit better than Liam, but not that much. I haven't had nightmares, but I'm just as jumpy as Liam. Although it feels like a weight has been lifted from my chest since the dead pool was shut down, I still have an uneasy feeling that something bad is going to happen.

"Alright, why does it look like both of you didn't get a wink of sleep last night?" Mom asks Liam and I as we enter the kitchen for breakfast.

"I stayed up a bit late because I had a lab report due today," I tell her, fixing myself a cup of tea. It wasn't a lie this time. I actually did have a lab report that I procrastinated on until the night before it was due.

"Well, get a good night's rest tonight then," Mom replies. "What about you, Liam? Homework as well?"

"I just couldn't sleep," he mumbles, pouring himself a bowl of cereal.

"Is it because of the game today?" our stepdad asks him as he enters the kitchen, his tie askew.

"Yeah," Liam mutters. His heartbeat speeds up, but I already know he is lying. It's not the game against Devonford that he's afraid of. He's afraid of sleep.

I, on the other hand, am afraid of the game today. Not only is it almost a full moon tonight, but I'm also anxious to see a certain player from Devonford.

I haven't talked to Brett since the battle at the warehouse. His pack left immediately afterwards and I couldn't speak to him. I couldn't tell him everything I didn't say to him earlier.

Now I'm going to see him again. After a week of sleepless nights and overthinking and over analyzing everything. Every small detail. The things he said to me. His actions.

His kisses.

I've debated so many times in my head what to say to him. If I want to be with him. If he still wants to be with me. It drives me crazy.

"You'll do great, Liam," Dad says. "You always do, and even though your mom and I won't be able to make it, you'll have Lily and your friends cheering you on. We all want to see you succeed."

"Thanks, Dad," Liam says, giving him a weak smile. "I'll do my best."

"Good, now eat," Mom commands. "You can't play a lacrosse game if you're malnourished.


"Guys, where's Scott and Kira?" I ask as I get to Liam and Stiles on the side of the field.

"I don't know," Stiles admits. "They were supposed to be here an hour ago. They might just be caught up at the moment. Don't worry. They're probably fine. Besides, we can handle this game without them."

"Cause Liam's here still?" I ask.

"And I am," he replies, offended. "I don't want to brag, but I've been practicing."

"Okay, Stiles..." I say with a sly smirk on my face. I glance over at the Prep team only to see Brett taking off his shirt to change into his uniform. I bite my lip. I still don't know if I'm actually going to try to talk to him today, and if I do, what I would say.

"Lily, can you stop ogling Brett for one minute?" Stiles laughs.

I see Brett glance up at me. He probably heard what Stiles said. I quickly look away and back at Stiles whose smirking and Liam whose glaring.

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