Lacrosse Practice

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The three of us head outside toward the stadium. Brett walks next to me as Malia tags behind looking around at the campus. I can't blame her. It looks like a college campus with all of it's beautiful landscaping and design.

"Oh, I almost forgot," I say, pulling off my backpack to take out Brett's hoodie and hold it out to him. "Here. Thanks for letting me borrow it, and uh, thanks for helping me out with finding Liam."

"No problem," he says. "And hold onto that for me, would you? I don't really have any space for it in my duffel right now. Plus, I think you look hot in my clothes." He whispers the last part, leaning closer to me.

I blush and turn away.

What is this boy doing to me?

"Also, I'm liking the return of the knee socks, Dunbar," he adds. "I missed seeing you in that uniform everyday."

"Fuck off, Talbot," I tell him.

"You know even though I'm half paying attention to you, I can still hear every word you say," Malia pipes up. "If you say anything else weird or creepy I will not hesitate to kick your ass."

"Noted," Brett says with a laugh.

I put the hoodie back in my backpack as we arrive at the stadium. It's much bigger and newer than Beacon Hills' lacrosse field. Plus, the lacrosse team itself is bigger.

Brett parts ways with us and Malia and I make our way to the bleachers.

"Which ones are Matthew and Quinton?" Malia asks me as we sit down. We made sure to sit away from most of the people but still be able to see well.

"Matt is number fourteen and Quinton is thirty two," I tell her, spotting them on the field. I used to watch these practices almost everyday because of Liam.

He had one friend on the team and that was Emmet Lord. Emmet was the only kid that would talk to Liam and apart from his huge crush on Madison, he was an okay guy. I spot him on the field in his number twenty nine jersey holding a long stick in a group of other defenders.

I debate whether or not I should go and talk to him after this, but I decide not to cause I'd need a whole explanation as to why I was back and at a lacrosse practice wearing a school uniform.

Yeah, better not.

The practice goes on uneventfully as Malia and I keep an eye on our two suspects.

The coach finally dismisses the players after a long practice and they all start to head back to the locker room.

Brett pulls off his helmet and looks at us questioningly as if to say "anything?"

I shrug at him and shake my head.

Well this was a waste of my time.

"We should split up," Malia tells me as we exit the bleachers. "You tag Matt and I'll get the other."

"I can't really do anything if Matt is the guy though," I tell her. "I don't have claws."

"I know but you could text me if you see him doing anything suspicious," she tells me. "Actually, no. How about I'll watch those two and you just stick with Brett."

"Why would I need to do that?"

"Cause he totally likes you, but you just need to punch him in the face first to show him who's the boss," she replies.

"What?" I question.

"I've lived as a coyote for the past half of my life and I even can tell," she mutters. "Just watch Brett, just in case one of them decides to attack him in the locker room again.

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