A Combination

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Liam and I tried to fall asleep in our separate rooms, but by 3:30 I went back to his room and we both passed out on his bed. The only way we could sleep is if we were in the same room so we knew each other were okay.

The next morning we told everyone why we saw on the dead pool the night before. Scott assumed that I would show up on it like Liam did but he was shocked about how Derek wasn't there anymore, and that Liam's price was raised.

When we also told Scott about how I produced a flame by snapping, he literally grabbed me and pulled us all into an empty classroom so I could demonstrate. Stiles flipped when he saw the flame. It was actually kinda funny, but I wanted to know what else I could do.

That night we went to Deaton and he told us that he doesn't know anything else than what he told us already.

"But how am I supposed to learn?" I ask him.

"The same way Lydia does," he replies. "By trying your best."


Now that I'm on the dead pool and I can't protect myself, (according to Scott and Liam even though I can make fire come from my fingertips) Scott has ordered that I should stick close to someone else in the pack. That's why I'm in Kira's car on the way home from the mall where we decided to just have a nice night out instead of just hanging out in my house. Liam was busy with a study group for his Biology class. I'm not with him since I'm in the honors class.

I assume Stiles or Malia told Kira about me kissing Brett because that was one of the first things she asked me on our way to the mall.

"I don't want to talk about it," I told her, staring out the window with my jaw set.

"Well, you'll want to talk about it some time, and I'm here when you want to," she replied. I just nodded and she changed the subject.

Now, on the way home, it's pouring outside. Rain pounds against the windshield as Kira focuses intently on the road because of the low visibility. My head rest against the window as I chat to Kira about music until I feel my phone vibrate.

I look down to see "Brett" on the screen next to the incoming call symbol. I purse my lips and tuck my phone under my leg, ignoring it.

"Who is it?" Kira asks me.

"Brett," I say stiffly.

She shoots me a quick glance. "Why don't you answer?"

"I don't want to talk to him," I reply.

That was a complete and total lie. You see the thing is, after Liam and I talked thing over I've started to realize that I do have feelings for Brett.

I'll admit it. I like Brett.

But I know I shouldn't. I still can't forgive him about the things he did to Liam even though Liam says that he doesn't care that much anymore.

The call goes to voicemail, and I sigh. A few seconds later, my phone rings again. I look at it to see Brett's name again and frown even more deeply.

Why would he call me twice?

Without thinking, I pick it up.

"Brett?" I say hesitantly into the phone.

"Oh thank god," Brett breathes. "I thought you weren't going to pick up.

There is commotion on Brett's end as if he's running or moving around a lot.

"Why did you call?" I ask him.

"I need Scott," he says quickly. "There's hunters. Everywhere. They're after us; Lori and I."

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