Wrong Beta

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Brett is a werewolf? He must be the beta Garrett and Violet were talking about.

"Oh no," I mumble, glancing up at the school where Brett just disappeared. "You go tell the others and I'll warn Brett."

Stiles nods at me and runs over to Scott, Kira, and Liam. I quickly sprint across the field and up the hill towards the school. I run through that halls gasping for air when I hear a crash as I pass the boy's locker room.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I hear Brett gasp.

"Cause you're worth a lot of money Brett," I hear Violet reply as I open the door to see her holding a wire with Brett sprawled on the floor looking up at her, his glowing yellow eyes filled with fear.

Violet wraps the wire around Brett's neck as he tries to struggle away. Without thinking I leap at her, landing on her back. Instead of falling over like I thought she would, she spins, grabs my arm, and flips me over her shoulder. I hit the ground hard on my back, gasping for air as the wind gets knocked out at me.

"Lily," I hear Brett gasp as I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to get airflow back into my lungs.

"Aw, Brett, is Lily your girlfriend coming to your rescue?" She giggles. "How romantic. You know what's even more romantic? Dying together. You know like Romeo and Juliet?"

"He's not..." I gasp out. "My... Boyfriend..."

"Oh well. Too bad," she laughs as she kneels next to Brett, putting the wire at his throat.

"No!" I yell, struggling to move, my back aching and head pounding every time I move.

Just then Scott appears behind Violet and grabs her. She yelps in surprise, and I crawl towards Brett.

"Brett, can you move?" I ask him quickly.

"I-" he gasps as he struggles to get up but his body seizes and he crumples back to the cement floor.

"Brett, come on," I grab his arm flipping him onto his back. Black blood stains his jersey. He's been poisoned. I try to sit him up as Scott and Violet fight behind us. "Come on, Brett. You can do it."

His body shakes and I hear his labored breathing in my ear as I try to pull him up.

"Dammit," I huff. He's too heavy for me. I can't help him up.

I hear a sickening crash and look over to see Violet on the ground as Scott stands above her, his eyes glowing red.

Stiles appears at the doorway with Derek at his shoulder.

"About time," I tell them wearily.

"Stiles, I think it's time you call your dad," Scott says.

"Guys, a little help here," I tell them. "I think he's been poisoned."

Derek moves quickly over to me and kneels down to look at Brett. "Wolfsbane. We need to get him to Deaton."

Derek helps me get Brett up and we exit the locker room each supporting Brett under his arms. Stiles sees me struggling under Brett's massive frame and takes him from me. We hurry out of the school to Stiles' jeep. I open the door and they lay him in the back seat. I get in back too as Stiles and Derek get in the front.

"Guys, he's losing a lot of blood," I tell them. "Do we have anything to stop the bleeding?"

Stiles tosses me a wrinkled shirt that looks like it's been in the jeep a while. It doesn't look that dirty and I guess there's nothing better so I press it against Brett's wound.

Brett's eyes flutter open and his glowing yellow eyes meet my blue ones. "Lily," he breathes. His eyes close again as we race down the dark streets of Beacon Hills.

"Where are we taking him?" I ask since I knew we couldn't take him to the hospital.

"The vet," Stiles says as he pulls into the same place my family takes our dog every year for a check up.

"You've got to be joking," I mutter.

"Deaton specializes in werewolves and other supernatural beings," Derek explains as we pull Brett out of the jeep and inside.

We get him on the metal table as Stiles and Derek explain what happened.

"I am going to need to make an incision to let the poison out," Deaton explains as he cuts Brett's jersey off revealing his toned chest caked with black blood.

If it wasn't so horrific I would be blushing right now due to how nice his body is. Deaton wipes up the blood revealing a large gash on his chest.

"Now everyone please hold him still. This needs to be precise, if not it will kill him

Derek and Stiles immediately hold him down as I step cautiously forward. Brett tries to struggle against them, clearly not in his right mind.

"Lily," Derek says, gesturing me to come help.

I rush forward and join in the attempt of holding Brett down. He growls and bares his fangs as he tries to push us off.

I look up to see Deaton with a scalpel in his hand. As he lowers it Brett thrashes and spasms against us a we try to hold him against the table. We are no match for him as he pushes all of us off him. I fall back and land on my butt. I wince and look up to see Brett standing beside the table. His fangs are bared and his eyes are a yellow blaze. There are claws protruding out of his fingertips. His yellow eyes rest on me as I push myself away from him on the floor.

He takes a few steps toward me slowly.

"Brett, please stop," I whimper, my eyes wide with fear. My back hits the wall as he steps closer, a low growl deep in his throat. "Brett, please..." I shut my eyes and cover my face with my arms.

I hear shuffling steps and a noise that sounded like a fist connecting with someone's head and then hear a thump as someone hits the floor. I slowly open my eyes to see Brett sprawled on the floor with an unknown man standing above him.

"Peter," Derek says. "I see you have your strength back.

"Hey, you okay?" Stiles asks me as he crouches in front of me. I nod and he helps me up.

Stiles then goes over to Brett. "Hey, Doc, I don't think he's breathing," he exclaims.

The boys get Brett's unconscious body flipped onto his back and Deaton grabs the scalpel again.

Deaton holds the scalpel against Brett's skin and slices it open making my stomach convulse and black spots appear in my vision. I see a puff of yellow dust come out of the incision. Usually I'm okay with injuries and open wounds. I kind of have too be if I actually want to be a nurse, but I started to feel extremely light headed.

"Lily, are you okay?" Stiles voice sounds as if it's underwater as I sway on the spot and darkness closes in around me as I collapse to the floor.


I have a confession. This book is done and saved in my drafts and I really want to post all the chapters but I won't. I do like having a bit of suspense even though like no one is reading this.

Comment if you actually do like my story!

Or comment if you think Cody Saintgnue is hot as fuck! *leaves 1000 comments on own story*

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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