I'm Lost Without You

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Stiles and Malia didn't question me about what they interrupted outside the station between Brett and me.

Stiles just raised his eyebrows, seeing my hardened expression.

"Don't," I told him, and he just nodded and didn't ask anything else.

It's been a week since then, and it's been hell keeping this from Liam. He senses that my head is somewhere else and keeps asking me about it, and the worst part; I lie. I tell him I'm tired and stressing over classes, the dead pool, and what's happening tonight; Scott and Stiles' plan at the hospital.

Again, I think it's a bad idea. I mean, yeah, with Stiles' last idea we caught the the guy trying to kill Brett, but this has a lot more risk. I overheard Kira's mom tell Scott that he could die.

Yeah, this is definitely a bad idea.

But here I am standing with Stiles, Liam, and Kira in front of a panel of computer screens that have been connected to the security cameras.

Everything is well and good and going as planned until we see a camera flicker out.

"Is that supposed to be like that?" Liam asks, pointing at the screen.

"No," Stiles replies in a worried voice. "Definitely not."

Of course not...

"Where is it?" Kira asks, leaning in to look at it.

"The roof," Stiles concludes. "Someone's gotta go check it out."

Not me please.

"I'll go," Kira says.

"Are you sure?" I ask her, a bad feeling in my gut. "It sounds like a trap."

"Yeah," Stiles agrees. "You don't know what could be up there."

Kira brushes us off. "That's why I'm bring this," she tells us, holding up her katana.

She starts to leave when Liam speaks up. "I'm coming with you," he exclaims as he runs after her.

"Liam, be careful!" I call after him.

I don't want to almost lose him again.

"I will," he calls. "Don't worry, you can't get rid of me that easily!" He flashes me a small smile over his shoulder before he turns a corner.

"Okay, but come right back!" Stiles yells after them. He gives a small chuckle then turns to me. "Kids."

I let out a small laugh even though I'm still worried about my brother.

What if it's the benefactor himself and he attacks them? I know they can protect themselves but so many supernaturals have died already and I don't want my friends in more danger then they already are.

Stiles and I stand there in silence watching the surveillance cameras for any sign of a potential benefactor.

"Are you doing okay?" Stiles says after a minute.

"What do you mean?" I say, playing dumb.

"You know I saw you and Brett outside the station," he tells me. "Something happened and you've been looking depressed and anxious all week."

Second Chances (Brett Talbot)Where stories live. Discover now