Who Am I

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Early update cause I'm celebrating.


So yeah I'm happy.


"Can you walk?" I ask him after a minute. "Or should I get someone else."

"No, I think I can," he tells me, pushing himself up. He's still a bit shaky, but he almost died so that's understandable. I hold his arm so he can keep his balance and we make our way downstairs.

What just happened? He was dying then all of a sudden he was completely healed. Did he heal himself?

Or was it me?

Liam said my eyes were orange. Was he delusional or maybe am I supernatural like the others?

But I'm not like any of them. I don't have claws and I can't hear voices or predict death.

What am I?

We make it down one flight of stairs before Scott appears running up the stairs toward us.

"Liam!" Scott exclaims in shock as he grabs the younger boy. "Kira said you weren't gonna make it. A berserker got you and you couldn't heal! But you're-"

"Alive, yeah," Liam mumbles, cutting his alpha off. "I thought I was done for too."

Liam shows Scott where his shirt is ripped and how there was no sign of injury.

"What happened?" Scott asks.

"I don't know," Liam replies, with a quick glance at me. "And Scott, there's something else that you might want to know."

Scott stares at Liam and gives a small nod for him to go on.

"When I healed, I looked up at Lily, and saw that her eyes were glowing orange," Liam says, making Scott's eyes widen in surprise.

"What?" He gasps, looking at me as if he would be able to see my eyes glowing. "How?"

"I don't know?" I mumble. "As far as I know, I'm normal. I've always been, but I have this feeling that I healed Liam."

"She definitely did," Liam cuts in. "I was almost dead then all of a sudden I was fine. No injury. No pain. Nothing."

Scott runs his hand through his hair, lost in thought. "We should bring you to Deaton; the both of you. He might be able to help answer some questions."

Good because I have many...


"Well Liam, you seem perfectly healthy to me," Deaton says, looking at Liam with his eyebrows furrowed. "A wound like that should have killed you, even with your faster rate healing. It would have punctured a lung, but here you are."

"What do you think happened?" Scott asks, standing next to the metal table that Liam is sat at. I'm seated in a chair a bit to the side.

Stiles, who is seated next to me, drove us to the vet the day after our plan at the hospital failed. We couldn't catch the benefactor.

"You say Lily's eyes were glowing?" Deaton questions Liam. "What color were they?"

"Orange," Liam says. "Like fire."

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