Back To School

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"I honestly am starting to think this idea is dumb, and we'll get caught," Malia says, bluntly.

"Just for the record, I've said that this is a bad idea from the beginning," I state as Malia and I sit in Stiles' jeep as he drives up to Devonford Prep. "Can I just kill Brett myself? It will make this a lot less complicated."

"Lily, please shut up," Stiles tells me, smiling at me in the rear view mirror. I can tell he thought what I said was funny, it's just that it's uncalled for at the moment.

The plan of watching for whoever is trying to kill Brett now is commencing right now. Malia and I are wearing the school uniforms and Stiles was true to his word when he said Lydia was going to make me look different.

My cheekbones were more defined and Lydia also used make up to make my chin and nose look thinner. I also replaced my black, rectangular glasses for contacts that I've had but never really worn. Also true to his word, Stiles had Lydia style my dirty blonde hair into milkmaid's braids.

I could still tell I was myself, but it would be difficult for people who barely knew me to tell who I was.

I look down at my ugly, black uniform shoes. I was wearing my uniform again. I still had the white blouse and paired it with a grey sweater that had the school crest on it, a maroon tie, my pleated maroon plaid skirt that went just above my knee, and and my gray knee high socks which I knew I was going to get a comment from Brett about.

Malia was in a similar get up. Since she was only a size bigger than me, she could just fit into my extra uniform. It had the same blouse, tie, and skirt, but she instead wore a burgundy sweater vest. She needed to roll up the sleeves of her shirt because they were too short.

We pull up a block away from the school since Stiles is also easily recognizable, especially in his jeep. Stiles gives us a thumbs up as we walk toward the school. It's the end of the day so we pass a couple kids who probably stayed a bit late at school the day. I keep my head down a bit so no one can recognize me easily and lead Malia to the spot where Brett said he'd meet up.

We walk through the almost empty hallways that I'm too familiar with.

"Wow this place is way nicer than Beacon Hills," Malia mumbles, looking around the hall.

"That's cause it's private," I mutter back. "Beacon Hills is a lot better. Trust me."

"I highly doubt that," I hear a voice from down the hall.

We both spin around to see Brett walking towards us. He's changed out of his uniform and into his lacrosse gear. His duffel bag swings in one hand while his stick is in the other being balanced on his shoulder, and of course, he's wearing his signature smirk.

"Devonford Prep is a highly prestigious school that has won many awards from academics to athletics and visual and performing arts. You of all people should know how good the theater program is and how much better this school is in general. Does Beacon Hills even have a theater program?" He gives me a smug look as he stops in front of us.

"For your information, Beacon Hills has a very good drama program and we are scheduled to have our musical, Guys and Dolls, in a two months, and I am playing the part of Sarah," I tell him. "Yes, I have to agree, Devonford beats Beacon Hills at academics, athletics, and clubs in general, but the student body at Beacon Hills is significantly more tolerable and much more of a delight to be around."

"But don't I make up for the student body here?" Brett grins, twirling his lacrosse stick in his hand. "I mean I'm such a delight to be around."

"You are part of the reason I hate the student body here," I state, blandly. "Along with Madison Henson and her little posse."

Second Chances (Brett Talbot)Where stories live. Discover now