Missing Twin

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"What?" I gasp. "Please tell me you're joking."

Stiles give me a look as if saying, 'does it look like I'm joking?"

I pull out my phone fumbling with it as I try to type in the password with my hands shaking. I click on his phone number and slowly hold it up to my ear as it rings.

I then hear his voice. "Hey-"

I interrupt him. "Liam! Oh my-"

"This is Liam. I can't get to the phone right now, but if you leave a message and I actually want to talk to you I'll call you back. Thanks. Bye!"

The color drains from my face as I think of all the bad things that could be happening to him. I know you're probably thinking, 'don't worry. He's fine. He probably just isn't paying attention to his phone right now.'

I usually would think that too. When he gets angry, he usually runs off and goes radio silent for a few hours, but this is different.

He's a werewolf who who has a pretty large price on his head. People want him dead, and so all I can think of now is him dead in a ditch with Garrett standing over him.

"H-hey, Liam," I say when the phone beeped. "It's me. I was just wondering where you are cause Scott says you're not at school. Please call me back when you hear this. I just want to know that you're okay. Okay? Bye."

I hang up swallowing a lump in my throat. My stomach feels like it's tied in knots. I can feel the blood pounding in my ears. I don't know if I'm imagining it but I feel cold as if someone just ran and ice cube down my spine. A feeling of dread fills me as I can't help imagining the worst.

"We have to find him," I whisper looking over at Stiles.

"We will," he assures me. "Scott wants me to get you home so you can get cleaned up. He'll figure something out. He's been talking with Mason about it."

"No, I can't waste time," I tell him. "I need to find my brother."

"Scott's got it under control, okay?" Stiles tells me. "Also, for all we know Liam is fine and is probably wandering around Beacon Hills being the angsty kid that he is."

"Something's wrong," I tell him. "I know Liam's not alright."

"Oh great, here comes the twin telepathy schtick," Stiles mutters, looking up to the sky. "Look Scott wants you at home to look out if Liam shows up or is already there. So we are dropping you at your house then I'm dropping Brett off to Satomi since he's still weak from the wolfsbane."

"Who's Satomi?" I question.

"My alpha," Brett speaks up. I glance over to him to see him leaning against the jeep. The shirt he's wearing is tight on him and amplifies his broad shoulders and lean, muscular body.

"Yes, now can we all please get in?" Stiles demands. Then mutters under his breath. "Underclassmen these days."

"Fine," I mutter. I give up and climb in the backseat, too distracted to fight with Brett.

The drive to my house is silent. We pull in the driveway and Stiles gets out to let me out.

"I'm not going in," I tell him. "I need to find Liam.

"Well you won't be much help when you're half dead on your feet," he replies.

"Well my other half might already actually be dead," I shoot at him. "I need to help find him. I can't just sit around the house."

"Look, I don't have time to play this game with you, Lily," he complains. "I need to go talk to my dad and Parrish at the station about the new third of the dead pool."

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