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"Am I the only one who has hope that nothing is gonna happen?" Kira asks all of us. We finished helping Argent set up detectors all around the building and have everyone hiding in the back, but if people break in, the ones who can fight will need to.

"I'm hoping so too, even though I know there's only a slight chance," I reply. I snap my fingers, creating a flickering flame and examine my hand.

If this is my ability, how can I use it to help my friends besides lighting birthday candles? Is there any way that I can make it bigger?

Grow bigger, I say in my mind, staring at my hand. Nothing happens and I frown in frustration.

How do I do this? Is there some kind of Phoenix manual when I can self teach myself or are there classes? At least Liam had Scott when he was learning about being a werewolf, and Scott had Derek. I have no one. The only Phoenix I know is Fawkes from Harry Potter and he's, one, a bird, and two, not even real. I feel like Rin Okumura from Blue Exorcist trying to control his flames for the first time, but he had trouble keeping them under control while I can't make mine do anything.

I focus on the flame on my finger again. Grow, I will it. Nothing happens. I take a deep breath and fix my stare at my hand. I imagine the flame igniting my whole hand as if it was covered in gasoline. I imagine the flames licking my skin , but it doesn't burn me. Suddenly the flame on my hand starts to grow. I gasp in surprise and it goes out. I purse my lips and try again. The flame grows to cover my whole index finger, then half my hand ignites. I stare open mouthed at my hand which is completely covered in orange flames.

"Hey, Li- holy crap!" I look up to see Scott gaping at me. "What did you just do?"

"I'm trying to figure out what I can do," I say, focusing on my hand again. Scott watches me as I make the fire grow. I hold my palm up and will it into the shape of a ball. It forms a little sun, and I flick my hand, hurling it at a cement wall. The little ball of light flys across the room and hits the wall with a bang and burst of light. "Woah," I breathe.

"How did you do that?" He asks me, staring at the burn mark on the wall.

"I don't know," I reply in wonder as Argent and Kira run in with their weapons raised.

"What happened? What was that noise?" Argent demands, aiming his gun around the room.

"I'm sorry, that was me," I explain. "I- um..." I look over to Scott, trying to explain what I did.

"She shot a fireball across the room," Scott shrugs.

"What?" Argent lowers his gun, looking between Scott and me.

"I kinda um..." I mumble. "Here just watch." I hold up my hand igniting the flame. I focus all my concentration on the fire as I face my palm toward the ceiling. The little sun forms again, and I flick my hand toward the wall again. There's another flash of light and a bang as it hits the wall again.

"Woah!" Kira exclaims. "That's new."

"When did you learn that?" Argent asks.

"Just now," I reply. Just then, we all hear a sensor trigger.

"They're here," Scott says in a whisper. We shuffle back to where Satomi's pack is hiding. Everyone old enough to fight is getting ready to as we walk in while the three kids, Lori included, are hidden in the corner. I see Brett kneeling down in front of her so he can talk. I don't really think I should eavesdrop, but my curiosity is my greatest flaw.

"Just please stay here with Courtney and Shawn, okay? You need to be the one to protect them," he's telling her. "If something happens get yourselves out."

Second Chances (Brett Talbot)Where stories live. Discover now