Into The Woods

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We both eat in silence then I clear away the plates into the sink. I then run upstairs grabbing my phone and a good pair of sneakers and run back downstairs to see Brett standing next to the door.

"Okay, let's go," I tell him and he nods.

Luckily my house is only a quarter mile away from where the woods starts since we didn't have an extra car because both of my parents are at work.

Unfortunately the whole way there was an awkward silence.

We walked side by side, but Brett and I didn't say a word to each other all the way to the woods and still haven't spoken in the ten minutes that we've been walking on the path that Liam usually jogs on looking for signs of my supernatural twin.

I finally decide to break the silence with a question I've been pondering since I got home.

"Hey, Brett?" I ask, taking a glance at him. He catches my glance and raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah?" He says, implying for me to go on.

"Why are you helping me find Liam? I mean you hate each other so why would you torture yourself by spending time with me alone in the woods looking for my brother who hates your guts?"

His back gets a bit stiffer and he looks down at his feet, biting his lip in thought. If I say he doesn't look hot right now I'd be lying.

"Well for one thing, I owe both you and Scott for saving my life," he replies after a few seconds of silence. "Also, I respect Scott and as a member of a pack, I know that he is frantically searching for his beta like Liam's his own son. Scott is a good person and no good alpha like that deserves to have one of their betas killed."

"I never thought of it that way," I admit in a quiet voice.

What Brett said really made me think. Up until now I was so focused on how upset I was that Liam is missing, but I never stopped to think about how Scott feels. Obviously I have known Liam much longer than him, but ever since Scott turned Liam, they have a bond between each other as if they are almost brothers. It's probably killing Scott that he can't find Liam.

"Plus, this isn't torturous to me," he adds, his mouth slowly morphing into his signature smirk.

Oh no...

"Apart from not seeing you in a skirt, I'd say it's quiet pleasing to be with you," he says with a chuckle. "Although I can't stand that shirt. I could give you my sweatshirt," he suggests, gesturing to is green Devonford Prep Lacrosse hoodie. "Actually, that would be kinda hot."

I scoff and his grin gets wider. "You disgust me," I tell him, waking a few paces ahead of him.

"No, I don't," he remarks, catching up to me and wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me closer. "I think it's quite the opposite actually. I bet that you think I'm hot."

"As if," I shoot back, trying to get away from him.

"Then why did you not push me away sooner at the animal hospital?" He questions me, his eyebrows raised as he looks down at me.

"I was obviously delirious from blood loss and lack of food," I reply, looking away from him so he wouldn't see my blush.

"Keep telling yourself that, princess," he whispers hotly, leaning in so our faces are inches away.

"Stop, Brett," I tell him, pushing him away. I look up at him and his smile falls. "I don't have the time or the energy to deal with your jokes and comments right now.We need to find Liam. That's why you're here. That's why I'm here. You can be a hormonal dick to me all you want after we find him, but right now I need you to help me, please." My voice cracks at the and of my little speech, displaying my full vulnerability.

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