Chapter Two: This is the Way

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"Good morning, my beautiful little man!" I happily greeted my six month old son as he woke up.

My little boy stretched his little arms out and wiggled his little legs while he laid in his little crib. Cole brought his little fist up to his mouth as he yawned, waking up slowly.

"Come on, baby boy! It's time to wake up now!" I gently tickled the little boy to try and wake him up quicker.

Cole let out another small yawn as he glanced around and slowly began to smile up at me. My little boy! This was what made those long nights with all of those men worth it. Cole was happy, fed, clothed, warm, loved, and provided for.

I know what you are thinking. Where is his father? Well, Cole's father isn't the best man to be around. I should have known that when I first met the loser, but I was so blinded by those beautiful green eyes, the same eyes my little boy has, and stunning, ten out of ten dentist approved smile to believe that he could be anything but perfect.

He was a loser, like previously stated, a loser who wasn't faithful or honest.

Cole's loser of a father cheated on me with so many women and then he left me when I told him that I was pregnant. What man does that?

Like I said, he is a loser. If I never see him again, it will be too soon.

The only good thing that loser had ever done for me was give me Cole, my precious little boy.

It was hard, taking care of a baby when you're a single mother. The apartment that we resided in was nowhere near the best or the safest. The water is only warm sometimes, the walls are cracked, the carpet is very old, dusty, and stained up, there was no stove, no heater big enough to warm the whole apartment, no washer, dryer, or dishwasher, but we made do.

I was given a small portable heater, I have a toaster oven, a hot plate, an old and small refrigerator, and a cheap microwave. The laundromat got a good part of my 'paycheck', but that was all that I could afford.

I put all of those thoughts of that man and my not so great living arrangement away as Cole giggled. "Did you have fun with Mister and Missus Wilkson last night? I bet you did!" I cooed as I picked up the waking beauty from his crib.

The Wilksons were our neighbors, an old couple who watched Cole every night for me so I could work and sleep for little to nothing. Just ten dollars a night, which is cheap when it comes to a night time babysitter for a child as young as Cole.

"Missus Wilkson made you a blanket! Isn't it pretty?" I asked as I placed my son on my hip, smiling widely as he babbled on and made grabby hands at my shirt.

I was tired, only getting about four hours of sleep the night before and no nap while my son napped. The lack of sleep showed, but it was worth it and I wasn't going to complain.

Seeing my son's babbling smile made all the nights of stripping, sex, and sleeplessness worth it.

"Did you keep Mister and Missus Wilkson up last night? Missus Wilkson said that you slept pretty good," I commented.

Cole continued his babbling and I continued to pretend like I could understand him as I walked out of our shared bedroom and into the small bathroom so I could change my little man.

"Is that so?" I asked, keeping conversation with my boy as I sat him down on the rug by the bathtub.

More gleeful babbling came from my gleeful son.

"It sounds like you had a wonderful time with the Wilksons!" I smiled as I changed the poop filled diaper. "I bet you waited until your time with mommy to leave such a stinky mess in your diaper, didn't you?" I tickled Cole's bare tummy.

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